- Chapter 8 - As Danger Awaits

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Christopher arrived at downtown Hardin Heights exactly on time. As he waited for Adrian to show up, he sweated and fidgeted with her fingers nervously. He tried to assure himself that he was going to have a terrific time with Adrian, but his doubt refused to stop nagging him. His eyes scanned the large crowd of people, searching for a woman identical to the photo she sent him. Then he spotted her.

"Adrian, hi," Christopher greeted her shyly.

"Hi, Christopher." She wore a faint smile.

Things are awkward between us already, Christopher thought.

- - -

 Samantha couldn't find Samuel anywhere; she had been searching for almost two hours.

I've been stood up. She thought miserably. Or maybe...nah, that's impossible. Samuel's a good guy, I know it.

At last she decided to call him and ask him where he was. She picked up her cell phone, scrolled down her 'contacts' list, clicked on a bar that read his name, then clicked on the 'call' button. She waited for him to answer.

"Hi, Samuel," She said hurriedly. "I've been at the Cellar for two hours, looking for you and - "

Samuel - at least he was supposedly Samuel - interrupted her and said, "Samantha, I'll be there in ten minutes or less."

"Oh, um, okay - "

Samantha was interrupted yet again, but this time by a noise that said, clunk!

"How rude of him to hang up on me," She muttered to herself as she tucked her cell phone in her purse.

"Samantha." A husky voice came out.

Samantha whirled around, and there stood a man dressed in all black; a black T-shirt, black leather jacket, black denim pants, black leather boots, black gloves, black ski cap, and black, heavy sunglasses.

"I'm Samuel," The man told her.

Samantha gasped and clutched her chest with her hand, stepping back as she spoke nervously. "You..you don't look or sound like Samuel."

An amused smile played on his lips as he replied, "I'm the real Samuel."

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