Chapter 47

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Thomas collapses, his face twisting with pain. A Crank is standing a short distance down the street, the air above his grimy pistol still shimmering with heat from the shot. I'm panicking, running towards Thomas, ignoring the Crank.

I need to get to Thomas.

Newt is right behind me.Minho charges after the Crank instead, trying to stop him. Clint was near Thomas, so he's already examining the wound when I drop to my knees beside him. Blood seeps from Thomas's shoulder. It doesn't look like the bullet hit anything vital, and I sigh slightly.

"You scared me, you idiot," I say. I had forgotten what it's like to allow myself to care.

"Ouch," Thomas mutters, and then passes out.

I sigh again and stand up. "You need to get out of the city. Carry Thomas north, and take care of his shoulder once you're well away from any wandering Cranks. Minho, take my pack." They're all listening to me as I give orders, handing my makeshift pack to Minho, who had returned from a fruitless chase.

"What are you doing?" Minho asks, and I shake my head.

"Just... just trust me."

"Ash..." It's Newt. He knows. He knows exactly what I'm doing. I grab his wrist and drag him a short distance away from the group, kissing him when he tries to speak.

"It's time, Newt," I say softly, the sinking sun glaring into my eyes as I stare up at him. "Go. You promised. As far as you're concerned, I don't exist."

"Ash, I can't," he says, his voice cracking. "I don't want to, and I can't."

"You promised," I remind him again. "You have to. Take care of Thomas, and Minho."

I smile, just the slightest bit, and back away from him for a few steps.

"Minho?" I call. He looks at me expectantly. "Trust me. Get out of the city."

Then I turn and run into the night.

No one comes after me, and I'm glad. They need to take care of Thomas now. They need to get to safety. I will create my own storm. I will send WICKED a message that will haunt their dreams.

I'm going rogue, and they can't stop me now. 

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