Chapter 3

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"It won't work," Minho tells me in a bored tone as I approach Thomas, who is motionlessly draped across a lower bunk.

I ignore him and flick Thomas's forehead. He doesn't respond. Then I slap him – not as hard as I can, but enough to leave a sting.

He doesn't move, and I slump to the floor. I hate this.

Newt sits next to me, and I sigh with annoyance.

"What's wrong?" he asks. There's something about the way he's carefully not touching me or looking at me that helps me relax. If I want to answer, it's on my own terms.

"I want to get out of here," I say.

Should I tell him that he has a sister? There's probably no reason to, right? I choose to talk about something else instead, deep in my subconscious, a faded memory that partially emerged during the Changing.

I take a breath and continue. "There's a memory... I don't know what it is, but being stuck... and the screams..."

His sister isn't here. He doesn't need to know. It would just upset him to learn about that piece of his history that he's long forgotten.

One of the Cranks throws itself against the bars of a window dramatically and we both glance up at it for a moment.

"It's not pleasant, yeah," Newt says with a soft laugh. "But we'll get out of here, Ash. We're just waiting for everyone to wake up, and then we'll make a plan."

"The door's locked," I say, hugging my knees again and dropping my head onto them. "We're stuck like fish in a barrel. If they get in we're dead."

Newt nudges my shoulder with his. "Sorry to dash your dreams, but we're not that stuck. Breaking the handle off the door should do the trick, we just need something strong enough to break it with."

I look up at him. "Really?"

"Really, Ash. We're going to be okay. And if those things are on the other side of the door as well... well, we'll fight them off. Don't count on dying yet. We've got a lot left in life."

"You sure about that?" I mutter, and his head whips up towards me, green eyes locking onto mine.

"Yes. Yes, Ash, I am. I have to believe that."

"But after the Changing... Newt, I didn't get any good memories back. None. I remembered my mom and sister, and maybe that's a good memory, but I remember them screaming and dying. The world... it isn't right. Alby knew that."

Newt shrugs. "Maybe the Changing just gave you false memories. You have to keep hoping."

I sigh and drop my head back onto my knees. "I don't want to talk about this right now."

"Teresa!" Thomas gasps from the bed, and Newt and I both turn to him.

He blinks in confusion, trying to take in the screaming.

"Uh... what's happening?" 

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