Chapter 58

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*Warning: There's a Romeo and Juliet spoiler so I'll just add a little ❗️ beforehand.*

Specs and Romeo lay on Specs' bed one night long after lights out.

Specs had his head on his pillow with his legs bent to make room for Romeo.

Romeo lay at the other end of the bed with his top half on the bed and his legs hanging off of the side of the bed.

They had originally planned on pulling an all nighter for, what surprised Romeo, the first time in Specs' life.

Romeo soon learned why he had never pulled an all nighter.

They were polar opposites when it came to how much, or little, sleep they needed each night.

Specs is one of those people where if they get any less than their eight hours of sleep, he will not be able to function as a human being the next day.

He also gets very cranky and has no common sense filter or just filter in general when he was sleep deprived. This tended to lead to arguments and falling out with people so he just tried to avoid all nighters at all costs.

Romeo on the other hand could run for hours with the bare minimum of sleep and not still function like he's slept like a log.

His top record was not sleeping for a top of seventy-three hours before he practically passed out from exhaustion.

Specs was barely awake and Romeo had insisted on doing a dramatic reading of his favourite scene from Romeo and Juliet for him.

❗️He was acting out the scene where Romeo died, hence him laying on the bed.

That's the spoiler over.

Specs unfortunately was cursed, or blessed, with the capability to fall asleep regardless of any background noise there was.

This is great in the summer when he sleeps with a fan on or if he plays music while he's sleeping but in cases like this it isn't such a blessing.

"Specs. Specs," Romeo whispered once he'd finished the scene.

Specs hummed in response. He wasn't really there in the moment his mind was off somewhere else, most likely imagining himself in some of his favourite books.

"Specs. Wake up," Romeo whisper-shouted with a sense of urgency in his voice.

Specs shot up startled. "What's going on?" He asked, now fully awake.

"You weren't paying attention to me," Romeo whined.

Specs rolled his eyes and laid back down on his bed. He was about to close his eyes when Romeo hovered above him.

"If you go back to sleep I will be forced to tickle you."

Another thing about Specs is that he is quite possibly the most ticklish person to ever exist.

"Please don't," Specs begged. "I promise I'll stay awake just don't you dare tickle me."

Despite promising to stay awake he nearly fell asleep again.

"Specs," Romeo whined like an angry toddler. "If you nearly fall asleep again I'll have to help you stay awake."

"I'd like to see you try," Specs teased sitting up so he could see what he was going to try do.

He honestly expected Romeo to just shake him every time he nearly fell back asleep. He did not expect what he did.

"Well if you insist," Romeo joked while he winked at him.

Specs raised an eyebrow when he didn't do anything immediately.

Romeo lifted his hand to Specs's cheek and cupped his face. Specs blushed a bright red which just made Romeo chuckle.

"What are you doing?" he breathed, barely able to form words.

"Can I?" Romeo whispered.

Specs nodded quickly and Romeo leaned in slowly in case he changed his mind.

When their lips finally met both boys could have sworn fireworks had been set off around them.

Specs smiled in the kiss and this made Romeo's heart speed up a little bit.

When they finally pulled apart to breathe all they could do was stare into each other's eyes.

In the end Romeo gave in to letting Specs sleep on the agreement that he'd get cuddles.

679 words

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