Chapter 54

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Jack had opted into bringing two of the Newsies with him to ask Ms. Medda about her knowledge on the experiment.

He had decided to bring Davey for his obvious reasons and Race because he found them first and knew the exact order they had been in.

Jack also wanted to make sure that Race was comfortable around Ms. Medda if he was going to be living with her once the Spring Holidays came around.

"Did you bring the pictures?" Jack asked Davey for the tenth time on the short walk.

"Yes Jack, I promise that I have them," Davey reassured him for the tenth time also.

"Race do you remember where they were and what the code is to get in?" Race sighed and pretended to punch Jack.

"If you ask me that one more time I will soak you," Race joked between punches. "Also yes I do remember everything."

Jack nodded and rubbed his hands together to try calm himself down.

Davey not so secretly grabbed his hand and rubbed circles onto the back of his hand.

Race pretended that he didn't see them holding hands but he made sure to keep a mental note to tell Crutchie about what he saw at a later time.

They finally arrived at the office after Davey and Race had to endure Jack asking them if they remembered what they needed another five times.

Jack knocked on the door and it was answered almost immediately.

That was one thing they all loved about Ms. Medda, no matter how busy she may be she's always make time for them if they needed her for anything.

"What can I do for you boys?" she asked once she'd opened the door.

"We need to talk to you," she nodded and stepped aside to let them into the office.

"Would you like something to drink?" they all shook their heads and sat on the seats across from her desk.

They all shook their heads and she sat down at the chair on the far side of the desk. "How can I help you?"

Jack and Davey looked at Race to explain.

"It's kind of a long story," Race explained while fidgeting with his fingers. Jack noticed this and pulled his hands into his lap for Race to fidget with.

"That's okay," Ms. Medda smiled at him. "We have plenty of time."

"Well, Albert, JoJo and I were having a sleepover and we were playing 21 dares and they dared me to break into Mr. Pulitzer's office," Race explained in one breath. "We did and we found these files about us and then we got Jack and Davey and we found more files and-"

"Race. Breathe," Jack whispered.

Race took a deep breath before continuing on. "We found some files about how we're only here as subjects in an experiment and not just for a top notch education."

Ms. Medda nodded and turned to look at Jack and Davey. Both had their eyes fixed on the desk.

"Firstly, you aren't in trouble but if I hear of you breaking into his office again I may have to put some form of punishment into place," they all breathed a sigh of relief at this. "Also I'm going to see some evidence towards the files. It's not that I don't believe you but it's hard to imagine such a thing happening."

Davey nodded and handed the folder with the pictures to her. She filed through them before handing them back to him.

"I promise hand over heart that I knew nothing of this experiment and I will help you all do whatever you need to put a stop to it," she reassured them.

They all nodded and brainstormed ideas for the next while with her until they had to return to their dorms.

637 words

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