Chapter 37

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Mush woke up to find himself looking at Blink's sleeping face. He smiled at how peaceful he looked in his sleep.

He awkwardly twisted around him so he could try look at the bedside clock without waking Blink up. He groaned when he realised it was 3 AM.

His groaning woke up Blink who blinked (hehe) his eyes trying to properly wake up. He looked a bit shocked at the fact that he woke up beside his crush but then the happenings of the previous day came back to him.

"Hey cutie," Mush whispered, pressing a gentle kiss onto his forehead. Blink blushed and buried his head into Mush's chest.

"Don't make me blush it's too early or that," Blink complained. "So you have to stop or else."

"Or else what? You can't even kill the daddy long legs when they're above your bed," Mush joked, which just made Blink blush even more.

"You want know what I'll do? This is what I'll do," Blink got up, ignoring the cold that grabbed him from all over, and walked over to Mush's bed and flopped onto it. "No more cuddling for you."

"That's my bed."

"I don't care."

Mush rolled off of the bed and went over to his own bed where Blink was now wrapped up in his blankets and duvet.

Mush flopped on top of him and Blink hugged in annoyance.

"Get off of me or else you'll have no boyfriend left to cuddle with. I'll be like Flat Stanley just you made me flat and not a cork board," he complained trying to push Mush off of himself.

"Fine but if I get off you have to come back and cuddle with me," Mush tried to bargain with him.

Life hack: never bring Blink to barter for you because he will just feel bad for whoever he is bartering with and end giving in to them.


They both went back to Blink's bed and laid down beside each other. Blink laid his head on Mush's chest while Mush had his arm around Blink's shoulders and was rubbing his arm.

"Did you put the duvet on us? 'Cause I didn't," Mush asked. Blink shook his head and Mush laughed at how his face was tickled by his hair.

"What if someone saw us? What would they think? Mad who was it even?" Blink started panicking so Mush started running his hands through his hair.

"If it was anyone it'd just be one or two of the boys. And didn't Jack say that he would be going around after we'd all done our homework to see if we were ready for game night. So most likely it's just him and Jack wouldn't rat us out, he might tell the most ridiculous sounding cover story ever but never the truth, okay?" Mush reassured him.  He nodded.

"Do you want to tell the boys about us? We saw how they were about Spot and Race so I don't think they'll have a problem with us and if they do they'll just have to suck it up because they're stuck with us," the two boys laughed.

"Yeah, I think I'd like to. Should we maybe ask Jack if he knows or told anyone first though?" Blink agreed.

"I'd say we do that and then tell them after classes today," both boys settled on this plan and fell back asleep in each others arms.

573 words

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