
"Tablet full of vampire book to destruct me. Vampires live forever and never catch diseases."


"Doctors offices are the Center of the evil germ universe." Nicky says


"My antibacterial super-cape." He puts his cap on "no evil germs are getting past this flu-fighting fabric."


"I have shy kidneys. When the nurse gives me that little cup to fill, I get a drought in my spout." Dicky says


"I pre-peed, so I'm pee-pared."

"Hey, I drink out of that!"

"That's ok. I washed it out first."


"I'm not really scared of needles just a tad bit." You say and dawn gives you a look "okay fine I'm scared but it's satisfying when they take blood out but me being scared of needles is the problem."


"There are no shots scheduled this year, so, I think I'm good for now."

"Next?" And and Tom come down the stairs.

"State your problem."

"We have five kids, and ones not even ours." Tom says

"And we are about to see the last good doctor within 50 miles that hasn't banned us." Anne says


"Relax, breath, and make everyone believe we are the perfect model family." Toms tie falls "even if we have to make believe."

"Sorry, Anne. Ricky said he was too busy to teach me how to tie a tie. Stupid homework."

"What about you, honey?"

"Just like y/n I have a little fear of needles." Dawn says

"A little?" Tom asked "last year, you and y/n scissor kicked the doctors, stiff armed a nurse, pushed two toddlers of the wooden pony's and used them as your getaway horses."

"We would've gotten away clean if those horses weren't afraid of stairs." Dawn said

"Solution?" Anne asked

"Since there are no shots scheduled this year, I'll be fine. Trust me, nothings gonna go wrong this time."

Tom chuckles, and then his tie falls again.

"You gotta make Tim for me, Ricky!"

Watch only if you want to


"So we had our plan, and it was all going great until we walked in the waiting room."


"Don't look at the pamphlets, don't look at the pamphlets, don't look at the pamphlets— I gotta look at the pamphlets! Mumps? I hu did I look at the pamphlets?" Ricky asked himself

"Okay, stay on target." Dawn said

"Smiles, everybody, okay? Smiles" Anne says and walk to the front desk "hello, uh, Andrea."

"It's An-DRE-a. There's an accent over the 'e'"

"Ooh, were your parents French?" Anne asked

"Why, do you have something against the french?"

"No, no, no, no, no, not at all. In fact we are part french we are the 'Harpairs' but one of them isn't my child she's our friends daughter." You all wave at An-DRE-a

"Well in that case, avezvous in rendezvous?"


"I asked if you had an appointment."

"Ooh, ah—yes. I mean, oui."

"Wee wee" dicky says

"Anyways, we're all here." Dawn says

"Minus my husband, who's parking. What is taking him so long?" Anne starts freaking out

"Okay, breath. Relax. Model family"

"Right, okay. So, will the wait be long?"

"Well, we're running a bit behind. One of our doctors went home with the flu."

"The flu? It's here?" Nicky asked

"It's all around us. They even have pamphlets on it!" Ricky says Snatching a pamphlet from someone hand

"Uh, and we're gonna wait over here." Dawn says "try to get us in there quick."

"Okay." You guys all sit down and you look at Ricky, and he's on the tablet. You look at dicky, and he's playing with dawns water bottle, which has his pee in it. And you look at Nicky, who has his cape over him, making him look like a little red ghost. You found that cute.

"Okay, guys, focus. The cookie tower is in sight." Dawn says

"Solutions ready?" Dawn and you asked in unison

"Ready." The boys say

A/N: another chapter done I'll do more tomorrow 😌🤌

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