Carnival wow wow~ pt.2

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I felt a tap on my shoulder,causing me to toss my phone.

Pushing myself away,my body crashed onto the locker.The deafening sound from the metal door pierced through the silent hallways,louder than my scream.Heart racing so fast.

On the other side,it was no different.

3rd POV

Jake flinched by the scared girl,frightened by her scream and the loud bang.Widening his eyes,he took a step back.

She heavily breathed in and out,opening her eyes slowly to face whatever danger there might be.

Finally realising the situation,she gasped loudly,trying to calm herself down.

"You scared me"

He felt bad for scaring her.In the darkness,you could see that her face was pale.Dumbfounded,he stood rooted to the ground.


The girl let her head fall back,hitting the locker once again.He flinched.

Feeling her legs go weak,she let her body slide down against the locker,crouching.Both hands tightly clutching her chest,creasing her uniform.

It was the first time he didn't know what to do.Normally,he would be certain and confident,regardless the situation.Hesitating his next move,he wondered if he should comfort the girl.

Is she crying?

She wasn't crying but her eyes were glossy.

Slowly approaching her,he leaned down.

"'s's just me...

I'm sorry I scared you."

Biting his lips,he tried to come close to her,hands reaching out to pat her shoulder.Before even able to lay his fingers on her shoulder,he retreated.She looked up,locking eyes for a moment.


A message pop up:
Guys,I found my phone.It was at the ice cream stall.

He broke the eye contact,standing up while offering a hand to her.

"We should go..."

She looked down,keeping quiet.

He could understand why she was acting like that.He would too if he was in the same situation.


That was the first time he actually called her name.Nervously,he kept his hand out,hoping she would listen.

Finally giving in,her cold hands held onto his warm ones.Pulling her up,he purposely used some strength,causing her feathery light weighted self to lean forward,falling into his embrace.


The low deep whisper rang through her ears.The hug only lasted for 3seconds,but the warmth she felt was unforgettable.Shocked by the sudden close contact with each other,she didn't move.She knew he was sincere,the way he hugged her.I mean you don't always see a handsome heartthrob who's always so egotistic suddenly apologising and give a hug.

Locker no.1 // Jake Sim 심재윤 Where stories live. Discover now