Something "important"

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"Attention all students,as you know the preparations for the annual festival will start today.Like every year,we will have the treasure hunt,food stalls and more.Do look out for more information that'll be posted on the notice board.Have a great day."

The annual carnival was a big event where the whole day is spent on fun,playing games and hanging out with friends.It starts from the late afternoon,slowly building up to the climax.After the treasure hunt,was food,by the multiple food stalls by the student themselves.Ending late at night,people would normally light up fire crackers as a closure to the event while taking pictures of the bright lights.

For it to all happen lots of preparation is needed.Each student is required to contribute.I was part of the supply team,nothing much to do,just ensuring all the tools and required supplies are available.

The first day of preparation and I already have a bunch of props given to me for safe keeping.

"Y/n,can you do me a favour?"

Jay rubbed his nape,hoping I would agree.

"I can't come to the meeting later,so would you mind helping me store the supplies I was in charge of for a day? I collect it from you tomorrow."

"You're not coming to the meeting?"

"I got some important stuff to do.Don't worry,I already informed Jungwon."


"Thanks,you're the best!"


The meeting didn't last long as the supply team was one of the most chill ones.

"That's all for today.Each of you just help keep those supplies there.We will continue another day."The team leader dismissed us.

I took the box along with the stacks of files that Jay was suppose to keep.Honestly,it was pretty heavy.I took a deep breath,lifting the box with the files on top and made my way to the locker.

"Careful not to drop the files,it's got all the planning info inside."The team leader glanced at me,picking up the single sheet of paper and leaving.

Thanks Beomgyu,that was so helpful.

After what seems like eternity,I reached the 2nd block,the meeting was held at the first one.That's when I could hear some footsteps,not far away.

"You didn't ask for help again?"

"I'm fine"

"You didn't answer my question."

"Blame that friend of yours for not coming."

He walked infront of me,stopping me at my tracks.Without saying anything,he snatched the box and the files away,leaving me bare handed.

"I said it's fine."

I quickly caught up to him,stretching out my hands to grab the box.But I was too slow compared to his fast reflexes and he had moved it to the other side.

"Your arms are red you know."

"At least let me hold the files,It's too heavy to carry everything by yourself."

I mumbled the last part,taking the files off the box.

Silence engulfed us and the atmosphere felt awkward.None of us spoke which was quite surprising as I presumed the later would start another conversation.Was it because I crossed the line yesterday?I should apologise again.

"Sorry bout what I said yesterday."

I kept my eyes forward,head slightly facing the floor.

"How many times are you gonna apologise?"

"I just...I was being harsh and insensitive.I also left without formally apologising."

"Stop apologising."Laughter escaped his lips.

"You're making it even more awkward."I kept my lips sealed,nearly saying sorry again.

"We're here."


Opening my locker,I placed the supplies inside while he watched me.Then he spoke to me kindly,in a caring tone,

"Hey,stop thinking and feeling bad about yesterday.It wasn't a big deal.Just some clarification of misunderstandings.We're cool now,so stop with that guilty look alright?"



Jake had already left to meet Sunoo regarding the treasure hunt.I was done for the day and I could finally go home.

Passing by the empty classrooms,the janitor closet few meters away creaked opened.

Out came a girl,

wait what???


She brushed her hair,tying it back neatly.Then,hands tightening her collar,straightening her blouse.Adjusting her skirt,she suspiciously looked left and right before briskly walking away.She didn't see me cause I was at a corner.

Shaking my head,I walked towards the janitor's closet.Any moment now...




As if by cue,the door swung outwards.Stepping outside...


Was Jay.

Like the girl earlier,the first 2 buttons unbuttoned,collar slanted.Hair in a mess,he was holding his necktie in one hand.

"Oh,y/n scared me.Err...what a surprise to see you here!"

He nervously blurted out whatever cam to him first.Caught him red handed.

"Something important,right."I repeated his words.

"You see...I was..."

"Don't lie,Jay.Anyways,it isn't the first time catching you making out with your girlfriend."

"Hehe...Wait,what do you mean not the first?!!!"

"2nd or 3rd time.You make it too obvious."I pointed at his messy self,shaking my head.

"Because of you,I had to carry a whole load of stuff."


I'm in a good mood today ^-^
So here's a chapterrrrr
Hope you had a great day too,if not let's have a better tomorrow!!

Locker no.1 // Jake Sim 심재윤 Where stories live. Discover now