[23] the lightning storm's pretty and so is she

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Battle had never been his favourite hobby, let's be honest.

He's quick on his feet - as fast, maybe even faster than Astra or those really speedy Sons of Garmadon agents. It helps when you fight. His lightning is the fastest element - blink, and the blue bolts have streaked past. It's quite pretty, actually, if you're quick enough to see it. No one really is. Lightning and blood are two different things; but not polar opposites.

Blood can flow quickly. Right over your fingers and hands, but not as fast as his lightning. It's red, for starters, not blue. In the middle of fighting, blood and lightning run together in one big mess. People's eyes widen just a little when the lightning hits them. They glance down, scream like it will help, his nunchucks and katana deal a blow, and the blood starts pouring.

"Fritz, Lotus, get out of there. Titanium, blow-tronix and everyone take cover." Destroyer's order was sharp and quick, a warning that Jay heeded. Nearly tripping on his own feet, he scrambled to get away from the bloodied battlefield and took cover behind a lump of twisted metal that had once been a car.

One of Titanium's new inventions (that Jay had helped make), trotted into the space now clear of the SOG side. It looked like a dog, acted like a dog, but was definitely not a dog. The stomach space held a dangerous sleeping gas bomb that would explode once Titanium used his powers to crush the dog. That would set off a bang, blowing all the enemies off their feet and into a deep slumber. Hence the name, an animatronic that blew up.

Jay waited with bated breath to see the blow-tronix explode. The Legion soldiers were still confused as to why their opponents had retreated, but then, it was like a switch had flipped over in them. The soldiers retreated just as Titanium clenched his fist, the commander giving them all a lazy smile as she kicked the bomb back into their side, and the blow-tronix blew.

The blast slammed them all backwards, sending Jay flying back into a wall. His stomach flared out in pain and he gasped for air desperately before staggering to his feet. Pulling his gi up onto his nose, Jay stumbled as fast as he could away from the spreading sleeping gas. His earpiece was exploding with surprised yells from his team.

"Full retreat, now. Phantom is swinging by in an armoured car. One chance, folks, the Legion is getting reinforcements. The civilians will have to wait for now." Troya sighed, and Jay did too. He bit down on his lip to distract himself from the pain in his stomach, and forced his feet to move him out into the street. His katana had been lost somewhere in the failed blast, but his favourite nunchucks were still attached firmly to his belt.

Casting a disappointed look at the half-smoked building behind him, Jay kept listening out for the familiar, soft hum of top-tier SOG engines. Their mission had been simple. Jay, Charlie, Rema, and Pixal were supposed to clear a scummy area of Ninjago City where the less-respectable gangs, you could say, were trying to establish dominance. It wasn't Sons territory, but Wu wasn't taking care of his people in this area.

In fact, with the help of their scouts and recent intelligence, they had been able to form a map of Ninjago City and its outer suburbs to monitor where Wu held control. Not surprisingly, the first boundary considered the city centre, was definitely under his thumb. The further out it went, the less people were enamored with him. They were more occupied with staying alive since the amount of criminals and no-goods was increasing.

Jay perked up when he recognised the familiar sound of an armored car slowing. Seliel, in the driver's seat waved at him and the door slid open. Jay wasn't fully convinced she was old enough to drive, but then again, he didn't have a license, and he was training to fly a helicopter this week. Rema and Charlie were collapsed in the back row bleeding, a commonplace habit nowadays. Pixal was hunched over a slim laptop, barely acknowledging Jay when he limped in.

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