[4] salty cousin has entered the chat

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She gave Misako a small smile as the older woman sat down next to her husband, sweat glistening on her forehead. Misako had been here for nearly a month at this point, yet Nya hadn't spoken to her guardian in what felt like forever. Nya rolled her shoulders, feeling the familiar empty rush at her fingertips and the need to ignore it. It appeared to be a common after effect from using her powers, which, as built up as they were, still only managed to sputter out water in small amounts.

She'd feel like water was rushing to her fingers, and Nya knew there was nothing there yet her body was itching to command something.

"I'm well aware of your impatience, Troya, the Blade Portal is a major issue I believe we will have to counteract quickly. As mentioned before, it is made from the Four Golden Weapons, of which Ninjago was created with. Misako can explain more." Garmadon handed the topic off easily and Misako instantly relaxed, like whenever Nya and Kai were younger and Misako would tell them tales about an explorer on wild adventures through the desert.

"The Golden Weapons were used to create Ninjago and wielded by the youngest of the Seven Deities, the First Spinjitzu Master. It's a common base myth for some, but in simple explanation, the youngest god was given a sort of canvas to play with, and for millennia, he created Ninjago carefully, maturing and aging with knowledge until he finally descended. The tools he was given to carve out this world were gifted by his siblings, divine weapons of great power." Misako looked out of place with a tablet in her hands instead of old parchment, swiping over holographic images of the Golden Weapons projected in the middle of the table.

"They are also known as the Weapons of Creation, giving them immense power. Because of it's divine background, it served as a communication relay for the First Master to communicate with his family. The Blade Portal radiated immense power and attracted many of the greedy. However, to make such a portal, sacrifices must be made. Because the First Master was immortal and a god, he suffered no consequences. But if we are guessing at Wu's plan, each of the weapons required to make the Blade Portal will need one human sacrifice. Per weapon."

Four people to create the Portal? Is Wu really willing to make that sacrifice?

"Okay, I know we've talked about this before, but can't we just bait with Garmadon? Isn't it easier for Wu than rounding up volunteers?" Astra said slowly, not at all concerned about offering up her, well, whatever Garmadon was to her.

"As much as one might point bias to this, I really don't want to bait myself up to my senile, god obessed brother. He has plenty of willing subjects to go around, hell, he could make ten Portals if he wanted to. Wu's the good guy in this. And I don't know about you lot, but I'd much prefer being the bad guys." the Lord bared his teeth, humour dancing in his eyes.

"Well it sounds as if Wu hasn't got the weapons yet. Has he?" Nya voiced her questions, pleased to find the others backing her up. "And if not, where we would find them?"

"Our scouts say he hasn't found them yet, but I suspect again, it's a matter of time. Wu has to handle efforts in the city and make sure everything is running smoothly, keep up his facade and then find time to organise this. We do have reports, however, that he is shifting duties and handing some off to Morro and his Second Harumi."

Garmadon scowled at the mention of Morro, leaving nothing for Harumi. Nya doubted he even knew her before this.

Misako carried on gallantly even though everyone had more questions on the tips of their tongues.

"The Four Golden Weapons are the Sword of Fire, the Nunchucks of Lightning, the Shurikens of Ice and the Scythe of Quakes. You may notice they correspond with four of the elements the Task Force possesses. This is because Kai, Jay, Zane and Cole are the four elements of Creation. Only they can wield the elements to their fullest potential and achieve greatness with them."

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