[1] im back people lets do this

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"Do not test me, Junior,"

"Why'd you have to be so rude to her? She hasn't done anything to you."


"You can't still be on about that." Lloyd whined. Astra shot him a glower and he stopped the whiny tone, but persisted eagerly in his little mission. "It's been three weeks, at least try to be nice to her."

"No thanks," Astra snapped, tearing the sports tape away with her teeth. She wound the tape around her ankle and stretched her foot to check the support. When she was sure it was tight enough, she lobbed the roll back into the gigantic bin of tapes and started walking away.

"Can you at least stop calling me Junior? Everyone's calling me that now, and I really don't want to be known as 'Junior'. If anything, you should be called Junior too!"

"Just drop it, okay? It's not that hard to just shut up."

"You don't have to be so rude all the time, you know? We're trying too."


Lloyd's mouth pursed as he looked deep in thought. "We're trying to be nice. It's hard times, we're all stuck underground and you're just being rude and overall pissy."

Astra glared at him, internally aghast. "Take that back."


"Take. That. Back."

"N. O. Spells no."

Lloyd had annoyed Astra enough the entire week she'd been stuck with babysitting him - something about bonding - and really, it was all just building up to one point. Just as Lloyd dropped a cheeky grin, Astra let go of her bow and tackled him into the closest wall without thinking properly in the slightest.

Her fist drew back and slammed into Lloyd's stomach without hesitation twice before she stopped. Not because she felt bad, or because she was tired, but because Lloyd was laughing. Nearly doubled over in laughter as he rolled around on the floor, each shaky breath bringing tears of laughter to his eyes. He did gasp for air after she punched him again the gut and his eyes nearly popped out like a fish, and that really was the funniest part.

"You're just — ha — proving my point, Astra. Crap, you punch hard, holy—"

"You have no point." She said stoutly, refusing to oblige to the fact that maybe the insufferable twat was right.

Lloyd looked at her and then sighed. "Okay, fine. I'll make a bet with you."

"A bet?" One of her eyebrows raised in piqued interest.

"If you be nice to everyone for the next three weeks, and speak to my — our mother, I'll tell everyone my middle name is Montgomery. And I'll get my codename to be Junior."

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. There had to be a catch. There was always one, and this offer was way too good to refuse without some trick. When they resumed walking, Astra had thought it over several times and was prepared to take the risk, catch or not. She'd just ignore it.

"You're taking a codename?"

"Well," Lloyd scrunched up his face in thought again. "Everyone's getting them, and they sound cool I s'pose. Not that we're part of the SOG or anything."

"Alright then. Bet."

"Excellent." Lloyd grinned. "Happy three weeks, Lillianna."

"Shove off, Junior."

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