The Chase

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A few days passed, I didn't get any calls or texts from Lucy after what I said. Earlier, I saw her in the guild, but she didn't even talk to me or even greeted me. What should I expect? I was the one who pushed her away.

I overheard her conversation with Mira and Levy, saying that she's going to the mall later to buy some clothes for our I mean her baby. Maybe I can snag a chance to talk with her.

Desperate ass indeed.

Later that afternoon, I went to the mall to get something to eat then, I was just chilling out in the parking lot, thinking of how should I approach her.

I noticed Yukino coming near me.

"Sting." She called out my name, while tilting her head to the side, fliping her white coloured hair. She's flirting, folks.

"Oh, hey. Yukino." I greeted her coldly, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Why aren't you with Lucy? Did you two get into a fight?" She raised her eyebrow at me.

"I just need some space away from her." I said in a nonchalant and stern tone.

"You shouldn't be upsetting your girlfriend. Besides, the girl is always right even when she's wrong, did anyone tell you that?" She crossed her arms, pouting at my answer.

"Do you seriously think Lucy and I are dating?" I asked her, slowly adverting my eyes towards her.

"Yeah, considering that the both of you are so close." She nodded, unware of how the atmosphere was getting tense.

"How could you forget about us, Yukino! How numb can you get? You've always been like that. Ever since, our paths crossed again, you constantly ignore me like nothing happened between us!" My voice inverted into a hurt and distressed tone, while her eyes began to water upon hearing my statements.

"I was scared.. I thought you didn't recognise me, and you've already moved on." She bit her lip, while her warm tears rolled down her plump cheeks.

"You were scared?! You know what, just forget about it. You weren't even the reason why am I here.." I walked away from her, pissed off by what happened.

"Sting.. Sting, I'm sorry.." She said that phrase over and over again.

"It's too late." Without looking back or any hesitations, I continued walking away from her direction, leaving her there, all alone like how I always felt.


Lucy stood on near the exit, waiting for a cab so she can get a ride home, then she noticed a white haired mage. At first she thought, it was Lisanna but it was Yukino.

"Yukino." Lucy called out Yukino's name, but she simply ignored her, walking in a fast pace away with her head bowing downward.

Several minutes after, She saw me near the elevator. I reluctantly ignored her by shooking my head away.

"Sting, did something happen with you and Yukino?" She walked back inside, perplexed, taking a good look at me, then suddenly the door closed.

"Out of the way." She race-walked to the other part of the mall. She entered the other elevator, bumping into some random strangers. In hopes of catching me.

"This is the only thing I can do, run away from my pointless life." I muttered to myself, as the elevator door opened, bringing me to the top shopping floor. I saw a hallway, which had a door in the end. I entered from there, leading me to the rooftop of the building.

"If I disappear, will that do any good?" I stopped near the rooftop railing, sighing, then I slowly looked downward, thinking of jumping. The lights of the flashing cars were beautiful, along with the lights also gleaming from the other infrastructures down below. And the stars of the night sky were up high - It was like eye candy. Too bad a bloody mess is about to happen.

Out of nowhere, the Celestial mage, ran towards me in a very fast pace. Causing her to be off balanced and knocking me down onto helicopter pad.

"Got you." She brought herself closer towards me, by pulling the end part of my pants, which made me blush madly. What's up with this girl is she crazy? But God, I can't believe that she's this close to me, I'm speechless.

"Please stay with me forever.. I love you, Sting." She murmured in a shy tone, focusing her brown orb-like eyes onto mine, intensifying my blush.

The only thing I could do was slowly move my lips onto hers, then out of the blue someone broke our dramatic kiss scene. Drat, Why now?

"What are you doing up here? This is a restricted area." The security guard said in slight anger.

"E-Eh?" That was all we could say as we looked towards him, embarrassed as ever.


Hey, it's me again. I won't be updating this story for a while. It's under slight grammar editing. I wanted it to be Sticy but a lot of people told me to make it Nalu instead. I'm actually a Sticy fan, but for everyone's sake, it's a Nalu fanfic once more. Right now there's some Sticy scenes. So don't get too upset. Natsu is coming back, I promise.

Anyway, I'm self-advertising another one of my stories. Please do read my story; I Could Be The One. It's a Nanatsu No Taizai / The Seven Deadly Sins fanfic. For those who are interested, message me. I need some help with it.


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