"Wha- No! No! Not like that! Gutterhead." He says, getting flustered. Okay, this has merit now.

"Not a difficult assumption. Anyways, why was it so good?" Cora asks. I feel at least a little out of place here.

"I cuddled with Jay." He says with a smirk. Why am I here? The only thing stopping me is Cora's arms around my torso.

"That's great Timmy. So did you confess?" She asks, getting invested. 

"No. I woke up before him and then left so it wasn't awkward. Now I'm here." He says with a disappointed sigh.

"How did you even start cuddling in the first place?" I ask, chiming in for the first time. 

"Well, I woke up while he was carrying me. Then he tried to get me to sleep and he had to hold my arms down to stop me and then we ended up on the bed and then I fell asleep with his arms around me." He recounts, gaining a red blush and some bashfulness.

"I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that." Cora states.

Distantly, I hear my alarm blaring. That's my cue.

"I need to leave, Beloved," I say regretfully. She groans but rolls over anyways. I see her wince. I feel my heart tug but she smiles at me.

"Have a good day, Dami." She says. I get out of her bed and give her a quick kiss.

"Get some more rest today, Beloved," I tell her. I see her roll her eyes playfully.

"I will do my best." She offers. I scoff but leave anyways. Drake watches me go and I see him sit on the edge of Cora's bed as I close the door. 

I get ready quickly and grudgingly make my way down to the front door. I say goodbye to Titus and I step outside. I regret waking up already.

Thankfully the day passes quickly. I get more paperwork for Cora, which I still need to give her. No one else mentions Cora until Phys. ed. 

Kaidan jogs with me again today. 

"Hey man! You doing okay?" He asks, similar to yesterday.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask this time?" I question.

"You seem tired, that's all. Did something happen?" He presses. He doesn't comprehend personal business, does he?

"Long night, early morning. I'm fine." I state. He laughs.

"Dang, guess Cora really is feeling better." He snickers. I narrow my eyes.

"How do you figure?" I question. His face falls and he clears his throat awkwardly.

"Uh, never mind. Is she doing better?" He tries. I still don't know exactly what he meant but he obviously doesn't believe I'll like it.

"That is a question I don't know the answer to," I admit with a sigh. He sighs with me.

"Rough night then?" He asks.

"Something like that," I say.

"Night terror?" He guesses. I raise an eyebrow.

"What makes you think that?" I ask suspiciously.

"A lot of people get them. You also said you had a late night and an early morning. It's just a guess, bro." He says casually.

"Good guess," I mutter.

"I get that a lot. I recommend a white noise machine and maybe something to cuddle with. It won't stop them but they help to get them to sleep." He says. 

"Again I ask, why do you know this?" I try.

"Oh, Ri- ahem, Really good friends of mine get them during sleepovers and stuff." He says. Was he about to say, Riley? As in Riley Mikelson? I could use this for blackmail.

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