Chapter 32

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Beomgyu and Felix reached the Park in no time, thanks to their athletic body.

They were panting from all the running. Beomgyu had his hands clutched over his knees as he was crouching down, Felix was a bit behind him. When he felt Felix stop in his track, he turned his head to take a look at him.

To his surprise, Felix had his eyes wide and that made Beomgyu go perplexed, he straightened his body the next second.

"Lixie! What's up?"

Felix didn't answer and just pointed his finger to somewhere, following the direction, Beomgyu found his eyes growing equally wide as Felix because he saw,

Taehyun laying on the ground with

"A boy?"

Beomgyu uttered under his breath.

"Its Hannie"

"As in your b-boy-"

"My boyfriend and from your eyes I am assuming that the other one is yours."

Beomgyu stood their like cat got his tongue because he know he has got feelings for the younger but they were far from being boyfriends yet.

His thoughts got interrupted when Felix yelled his boyfriend's name and Beomgyu didn't know what got into him to yell Taehyun's name too.



Both the boys in question turned their heads in a snap and the next second Han got up along with Taehyun. Now Felix and Beomgyu stood face to face with Taehyun and Han.

Anybody could feel the tension in the air. It was so thick that you could cut it with a knife and it was suffocating.

"Hannie, my work here is over, lets go yeah!"

Felix spoke not using his usual soft tone that he always uses with his boyfriend, this time it was a bit stern.


Han looked at Taehyun. He didn't know what to do, his boyfriend, the one who protected him always was now standing in front of him with that stranger boy who he calls Beomie. He felt like he will anytime start to panic and he know this other boy who he met just few hours ago wouldn't hurt him, there was a unspoken connection with him, so without thinking, his brain uttered Taehyun's name who is standing beside him.

But Felix couldn't understand what was going in Han's mind so he mindlessly snapped and Han flinched.


'You called someone Beomie!'

All this while Beomgyu had his eyes fixed on Taehyun, he didn't even pay complete attention to Felix and Han's conversation, but on the other hand Taehyun didn't spare him a glance, he was looking everywhere but Beomgyu. Taehyun felt the older boy's strong gaze on him but choose not to mind.

Beomgyu's eyes immediately teared up as the fact that Taehyun is avoiding him hit him like a truck and he looked like a lost puppy who just found it's owner just to be refused and abandoned again. He snapped out from his trail of thoughts when Taehyun finally spoke

but to Felix,

"Hey, why are you yelling at him?"

"He is -"

Felix begun but Beomgyu cut him off

"Taehyun ah, they are boyfriends. I think we should head home too."

He want alone time with his Taehyunie, he could use any chance to get the younger out of here because there is a lot he want to tell the boy.

He wants to tell Taehyun that

He is sorry for everything he did

He is sorry for asking a fuck buddy relationship

He is sorry for being an asshole

And most Importantly he wants to tell him that

He love him more than anything in this whole fucking world.

"And exactly who are you to say that to me?"

Beomgyu flinched at the harshness radiating from the younger boy.

"Are we boyfriends? Aren't we just fuck buddies?"

Venom was laced in voice. Why? Because Taehyun couldn't do this anymore, the only mistake he did was to not tell his feelings out loud but Beomgyu!

he figured out how fucked up these two boys were in their school days. One can correct their mistakes and recover but when their past affects others in their present then that's solely their mistake again. This is what Taehyun thought at the moment.


Beomgyu began but of course was cut off by the younger as he spoke

But once again to Felix

"I was with him for only a few hours now, and I can already tell how precious he is. How could you loose him like that? What kind of a boyfriend are you? Besides, I saw you all cuddled up with him. What explanation you got for that?"

Boy didn't even bat an eye to Beomgyu, which made the older boy's heart to pain more.

"You getting the wrong id-"

Felix was about to defend but Han started to speak in trembling tone.

"C-Cuddling?!, lexie only cuddles m-me."

"I think not,These two will never treat us properly."

"Beomgyu hyung! Good luck getting back with your Ex. I never wanna see you again, I'm leaving."

"Hannie, N-No."

Felix said to Han but he was coldly rejected

"Yes-s, I'll too go with Hyunie."


Felix lost it, his nickname for Beomgyu was long gone because at that moment he knew who should be his priority.


Beomgyu watched as Taehyun walking away and the other short boy tagging along, he couldn't tolerate seeing his love slipping off his hand like that so the next thing he did was something he won't believe the next morning if you told him.



Sorry sorry

Got busy with TXT's comeback
Ill finish this book asap!

Stream loser lover ❤

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