Chapter 9

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"Unexpected things always happen."

"Don't be afraid to express what you feel."

"Stop playing with people's feeling."

Jeonjin and Hyunjin, they both are soo much of an advisors. They did change beomgyu's mindset in some ways, magically with their words after a lot of explanations. Now, their words were playing in the blonde's mind non stop. And he decided to throw all his stupid assumptions, he took a deep breath before turning towards the younger boy who had vexation written all over his face. He still had his head hung low not being able to obtain the courage to look at the younger. Taehyun noticed that,

"My face is not on the floor." Taehyun yelled.

Beomgyu flinched and slowly lifted his face to meet the younger's eyes. Taehyun's eyes softened as soon as he saw the older's face. His face looked like it was filled with so much of thoughts and he looked struggling. Beomgyu had a lot of things piled up in this head and his mind was wavering as he looked into the younger's eyes. He swallowed a big lump in his throat and thought to himself 'stop being a brat and apologize to him Beomgyu, he doesn't deserve your stupidity.'  he kept telling to himself but was standing stupidly doing nothing and still was lost in his thoughts. Now, Taehyun was not having the older boy's silence anymore so he spoke

"Cat got your tongue !" He emphasized the word tongue.

FUCK... In an instant, the older boy looked up at the younger boy's face. Soon his wavering emotions turned into something that turned him on in the process. With heavy breathing and lips slightly parted, eyes shining with expectation for some reason they thought. "Why does he need to sound like this. he was only scolding me but my perverted mind couldn't help to imagine it otherwise."

"Wow his tongue!"

It reminded him the day he was practically drooling over the younger's tongue. How much of an obsession he started having over the same in the few times of kissing him, it's unbelievable and unexplainable.

"God. This is getting out of hands. I should tell him what I feel soon but before that-"

"I-I know I have a lot to explain. but.... that can wait, I can't ."

He walked closer to the younger with each words. The younger instinctly moved a bit back but was stopped by the elder grabbing him suddenly

"W-What are you doi- uhmm.

Taehyun's words got muffled up as the older boy basically slammed his lips against the younger's, his hands on the younger's neck holding him with iron grip.

The younger boy was shocked to say the least. He had his eyes wide open but still he didn't give in to the kiss as he was protesting the older. Beomgyu felt his resistance and drew himself back saying

"Stop me. If you really don't like it."

He stated in a stern voice. The younger boy looked at him swallowing as the older still had his hands on his neck smoothly caressing it as he was looking into the younger's eyes with hopeful look. Now the younger didn't push him rather stayed still.

"I know I hurted you. I'm very sorry Taehyun." 

He moved closer to the younger's ears starting to whisper things. The younger's anger and frustration now got replaced with shock and eagerness.

"Yes. You did initiate things that night, but I too wanted it. I-I was in denial to accept that I actually wanted it."

He kissed the younger's smooth skin behind his ears, sending shivers to the younger boy.

"Sorry I told you we were just goofing around. We weren't. We needed each other for REAL." He emphasized the word 'real' in a seductive tone as he slid one of his hands down from the younger's neck to his chest unbuttoning him, making the younger boy gulp hard at his actions.

"The day i kissed you, licked your lower lips...damn it wasn't for the milk but for your lips and lips only." He now gripped the younger's chin and swiftly lifted it to reveal his neck, starting to plant soft kisses there.

"I was stupid to think that it's weird to have this kind of feelings for you, but unexpected things happen." He said in between the soft kisses as he remembered Hyunjin's words. The younger boy closed his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry Taehyun. For being extremely mean to you." He said as he started roaming his other hand all over the younger's chest. The younger slightly parted his lips gasping. The air around them suddenly become hot.

"I still have a lot to tell. And ask you properly. But Taehyun..... now I need you." He uttered hurriedly as he was  drawing kisses from his chest to above his chin and hands roaming on his back. With all this actions and the words escaping from the elder, Taehyun was now in cloud nine. But he felt a soft pair of lips on his. Because the older boy and could not control himself and connected their lips again.

'he said ask you properly. Omg! Finally someone I like is gonna ask me out. Am I dreaming.' Taehyun thought smiling through the kiss.

The younger didn't know when the elder boy started pushing him slowing as he walked to the end of the couch as he was talking. He slowly laid both of them on the couch now withdrawing from the kiss but soon looking at the younger's lips again.

"I can't get enough of those lips.,"

He said looking into the younger's eyes.

"I know I need more of you but before all of that, I should ask you properly. Can you please say something?"

Taehyun was staring at the older boy above him in awe. He looked stunning and beautiful up-close. The one he had crush for like years, the one he liked without any expectations. His love for the older was pure, selfless and beautiful in its own. He had love and lust for the same person,and that can be an alluring feeling. His emotions were now all over place, he couldn't believe finally it's happening. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before uttering

"Hyung I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled at you. And I'm glad you understood my feelings."

"I wish I did that soon. I can't wait you know." The older said caressing the younger's lips. But now Beomgyu got off guard when Taehyun pulled him by his collar and The pressed their lips softly against each other. They kissed like there's no other day. Beomgyu gasped when the younger boy squeezed his waist now letting the younger push his tongue into the older's mouth slowing exploring his entire cavern. Beomgyu couldn't have enough of the younger boy's tongue.damn he is obsessed with it. After a few minutes in pure heaven now they both pulled back for air breathing heavily. Beomgyu looked at the younger boy and smiled 'damn it's really hard to control myself with him.'  He thought to himself before uttering the lovely words that has been running in his mind this entire time, Taehyun was looking at him with expectant puppy eyes.

"S-so, it's bit hard to confess you know." He trailed as he got a bit shy.

"Hyung, you can say it." He assured the elder with a sweet smile, his heart thumping.

"Alright Taehyun." He swallowed

"Will you be my fuck buddy?" He finally asked him, with a cute smile on his face.



Author note:

Sorry, again a cliffhanger!. I'll try to update the next chapter as soon as possible.

Happy valentine's day ❤️

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