chapter 17

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"Soobinie hyung left with Yeonjunie hyung for their shoot in Jeju."

"Soobin hyung left the house for ourselves."

"Soobin left me alone with you, cold bitch."

"Soobin brat left me alone to die here!."

Taehyun was just thinking about the perfect sentence to describe whatever the hell was in his mind, perfectly to the older boy.

"I'm sleeping downstairs and YOU, upstairs."

He ended up saying instead, more like yelling.

"What! What's up with you?"

Beomgyu was really confused why the younger boy was acting completely different from how he was yesterday night.

"What's up with me?"

Taehyun asked back getting up furiously from the couch. Beomgyu flinched and instinctly took a step back.

"I need to talk to you."

Taehyun sounded determined. As if he was done with everything now. Few minutes earlier, he heard the boy giggling and dressing up to meet his ex-girlfriend. Taehyun knew if not now, It could be too late.

"Isn't that what we doing?"

Beomgyu as the jerk he was answered back thinking that he sounded smart.

"I want you to answer back honestly."

Taehyun just wanted truth, even if it's gonna hurt him he wanted to know what the older boy thought about him in his mind honestly.

"Y-Yeh ofcourse."

Beomgyu hesitated a bit, his heart picked up its pace slightly and he couldn't understand the reason behind it. Because he has never seen this side of the younger boy. That look which he gave him had thousands of meanings that were too hard for him to read. Despite all this termoils in his mind he kept listening to the younger boy.

"Do you have f- "

Taehyun got cutoff when beomgyu's phone went off in the middle. 'Do you have feelings for me?' is what the younger intended to ask the blonde, he was very curious to know the answer. Afterall it took him many years to come in front of his crush and talk something about his feelings. But, his efforts and anticipation all got ruined by this phone call.

"Excuse me. Yeah yeah Ryu I'm on my way."

Beomgyu answered throwing a fire bolt to the younger's heart as he heard the older boy addressing his ex-girlfriend with a nickname. He closed his parted lips and gulped down his sorrow, maintaining the unreadable expression on his face. BUT the devil decided to break him.

"And you! do I have to f-uck? No thanks, not now. See you in a while for that."

Beomgyu said as he kept the phone in his pocket, not even looking at the boy as he walked straight out of the house. He didn't even realise what he spoke because for some reason he felt odd. He didn't want the conversation to go where he thought it would. Yes, the pit rat was in denial for the weird feelings he has been having for the younger boy of lately. He didn't even want to put a word for it. He never wanted anything that sounded 'GAY' expect for the fuck buddy relationship he had with the younger boy that didn't have any meaning for him. Because for these many days he thought it was just lust but yesterday night he felt something weird and he didn't like it. So he thanked Ryujin in his mind for calling and saving him.

Taehyun experienced a heart ache he never felt before. He stood there speechlessly watching the older boy leave. His eyes becoming teary and heart aching to stop the miserable pain that kept on increasing. How much can he handle? The poor boy couldn't anymore. Because now he know the answer for his question that the older boy only saw him as his fuck buddy and nothing more. No feelings. And who knows, maybe now he is heading to get back with his ex-girlfriend and there's nothing he can do about it.

"I'm a stupid."

He said to himself as he stumbled back sitting on the couch. His mind was clouded, he felt pain as he heard the house door close. He knew that the older boy now left him.

"Ofcourse what would I get for loving a heartless --" he said blinking his eyes to calm his mind down but failed miserably as his voice cracked in the end. He would have said heartless brat but ended up saying,

"Beomgyu h-hyung."

Now tears rolling uncontrollably on his face. He realised that he is now left alone in that big house with him sitting in one corner of the couch again. He felt deja vu. He balled himself up in the corner. Only his sobs and little murmurings echoing around the house.

"Hyung don't leave me alone please."


Author's note:

Few more chapters to go.
'WE WILL NEVER HAPPEN' will end soon. Thank you and keep supporting. ❤️


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