chapter 11

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"I should find it now."

He muttered to himself as he went in a quick pace, speed walking down the stairs to the door in the basement. He entered the key hurriedly through the key hole twisting it and pulled the door knob with a creek sound and entered the basement room. Soon, he started searching everywhere for the thing he needed now.

"This won't be enough." He muttered under his breath as he took a small hammer in his hand from a pile of metal tools. So he threw it back into the box of tools with a thud and got hold of a long wooden handle. He pulled it with all his power because the tool was stuck deep in the pile of various objects.

"Aah F-Fucking come out"

He grunted and pulled it with much force to reveal a long axe with a heavy iron cutting edge. He turned it left and right, the axe shined with a spark of light showing its sharpness. He took a final look at it before deciding to storm off from the basement leaving the room door opened ajar.

"L-Look what you made me, Choi Beomgyu."  His eyes got bloodshot from all the rage and he started swinging the axe like a lunatic.


"You b-bitch"


"Wanted me to be your-"

*A Harder hit*

"F-fuck buddy!" He shouted causing his throat to pain in strain. He started breathing heavy as the thought of what he did came to his mind. He was now sweating heavily as panic rose up against his chest. To add to all this chaos, the bloody axe got stuck with his last hard swing, making it even more harder for him now.

"Fuck fuck fuck." He cursed like a freak. The angel Taehyun never really curses that much. But the one here with an axe swinging like a psychopath is no more an angel. His thoughts and trail of curses leaving his mouth were stopped by someone opening the door.

"What is it? What is it? Taehyun you good! What is happening?....

Soobin came out saying all of whatever came to his mind as he heard the younger boy shouting and unfamiliar sounds coming from the same direction. opening the door, he stopped in his track after seeing the terrible sight before him, making his eyes wide and a chill creepy fear ran all over his body at an instance making him freeze in his spot.

"OH. MY. GOD."


Taehyun turned towards Soobin, but the older boy's words didn't reach his ears. He was still in a psychic conflict. So he gulped hard and looked at the axe with his enraged eyes before opening his mouth

"Fucking give my Axe back ... You son of a bitchy tree! ."

He kicked the log. and started yelling at the poor wooden log that he has been cutting mercilessly all this while in the lawn. The axe got stuck deep into the wood as he hit it hard the last time, so he couldn't retrieve it back. But, still his anger didn't subside so he wanted to hit it more.

"You are thicker than that cold bitch's ass."

He spat with disgust.

"Woah woah woah Taehyunie, listen to hyung. Now take your hands off the axe and step back."

Soobin can't believe what he saw before his eyes. His baby Taehyunie with a deadly weapon in his hands and was cursing like a drunkard and the wooden log, that his mother was saving for carving a statue in it, now all ruined. He didn't know what to be worried about more now. Still, for a matter of fact he was more perturbed by Taehyun. So he wanted nothing more than to see him leave the deadly weapon from his baby hands and withdraw back. But Taehyun didn't budge so Soobin now rose his voice at the younger boy

WE WILL NEVER HAPPEN • TAEGYUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें