Chapter 25

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As if the world stopped spinning to send everything in it to drown in the endless hollow of dark, the only thing he saw was utter darkness around him. Beomgyu couldn't recognise anything or anyone, the only thing that kept running in his mind and ringing in his ears was that of the deep voice that he heard a few seconds ago. The voice he thought he forgot. He didn't even dare to look up to the source of the voice so he kept looking at the ground while his brother held him engulfed in a tight hug.

"Can y'all please leave us alone? I want to talk to Beomie."

Felix said in a stern tone. He couldn't wait anymore, not when his Beomgyu is on the floor looking all helpless and miserable, it pained him to a tremendous extent that he couldn't put a mind on how he sounded. even though he knew he was the beginning of the boy's misery, he was also aware that everyone else added to it unknowingly.

"Wait a minute, Who are you?"

Jay questioned, clearly not liking the way this stranger talked to his friends. However, Kai and Soobin were still in the trauma of seeing Beomgyu's state so they didn't even pay attention to Felix, but Yeonjun could sense something genuine in those eyes of the stranger and thought he might not be a threat, so he kept quiet. But his thoughts vanished in thin air when he heard what Felix replied to Jay's question.

"None of your business."

Felix was getting impatient, no he doesn't want his anxiety to get the worst of him, not after taming it for years now. Not in front of Beomgyu. So he immediately closed his eyes huffing out an intense breath to calm his nerves down.

Jay kept glaring at Felix that Yeonjun had to wrap his hands tightly around Jay's arm to prevent him from doing anything stupid. As much as the older boy hated the way Felix spoke, he didn't want another problem adding to their already long list.

"Felix, cut it out, I'll explain them."

Jeongin interrupted the tension that kept growing in the atmosphere between the boys. While Hyunjin cursed himself in his mind for not bringing Han Jisung inside the house, maybe Felix would have behaved a lot better if his boyfriend was here.

"Yeonjun hyung... Soobin hyung, trust me, Beomgyu needs to talk to him right now. And you two, we are sorry for the trouble "

Jeongin said to the four boys with a genuine concern coated on his face.

"Yes please, trust us"

Hyunjin added. But, soon his eyes became wide in shock from a sudden loud noise that echoed in the silent room.


Soobin yelled making everyone flinch for a second except for Kai who sort of expected it. Both the boys just couldn't handle seeing the blonde suffer. Even though, it's always Soobin and Kai who mock and keep teasing Beomgyu. They had the most love for him, maybe when people keep resisting themselves from showing their affection to the ones they loved, the stronger it keeps growing and one day it bursts out like anything.

"I'm not leaving my little brother with a stranger"

His eyes were burning red as he kept patting his little brother's head. Jeongin and Hyunjin couldn't bring themselves to utter another word in front of the boy who was suddenly emitting such a dark aura around. So, Jeongin looked at Yeonjun as if he was asking for help. The older boy returned him a small nod of approval and turned to look at his crush on the floor, his eyes softened at once, he always knew how much Soobin loved his little brother, that made him realise that the younger's anger was reasonable, he crouched down and knelt beside soobin.

"Binnie, What if this work? We don't know anything that happened in Gyu's past, maybe this boy was an important part of it. Let's give them a chance. hmm?"

He assured with a light squeeze on the latter's arm. Soon, the younger boy loosened a bit. Yeonjun gave a sharp look to the stranger who stood in front of them and uttered,

"Besides, we won't let anyone hurt Gyu."

That was such a quick change of tone from the older boy and honestly, Felix felt a bit threatened by the older boy's intimidating fox eyes. Also, on the contrary, he felt happy that Beomgyu had such good souls around him to take care of him.

"Jay, you come with us. Kai, go upstairs and stay with Taehyun."

With that Yeonjun stood up still glaring at the stranger boy, Kai helped Soobin to get up. The moment Soobin let go of his held around his brother, the blonde flinched but remained on the floor. Soon, the three boys went to the house's backyard where they can still be in reach if needed, no way they are gonna leave Beomgyu alone because they were still not sure about the stranger boy because of his attitude.

Jeongin and Hyunjin went outside the house where they parked the car. The moment they reached near the car, a blob of black hair peeked from the car's window.

"Where is lexie?"

Jeongin looked at the boy in pity, he didn't know why Felix broke up with Beomgyu, but while being in a relationship with this other boy, the fact that Felix still chooses to show that much affection towards Beomgyu, which he was sure that will hurt this boy. He believed that the boy was so innocent and ignorant to comprehend all this. He replied that latter's question with softness laced in his voice.

"He will be here soon."

"Hmm- then I'm going to a park that I saw while we came here. Tell him, only if he ever asks for me."

The boy said getting off the car and started walking away. He knew that he approved Felix for meeting Beomgyu, but sure, it hurt him. Everything that was happening around hurt him. He didn't know who this 'beomie' is, he didn't know what he has to do with his boyfriend, and he didn't have the guts to ask him. What if he says that he loves that 'beomie'? What if he subtly decides to leave him. all of this made him feel a fear of losing his only caretaker, more like, the only person who accepted him with all his flaws and will love him for who he is.

He kept walking mindlessly towards the park with a heavy heart, he knew he was worst at remembering places, but at that very moment, he felt like it was ok to get lost. The poor boy rarely gets heartbroken, but when he does, it pains him ten times more than it hurts an ordinary person.


Author note:

Damn, sorry for uploading after a week. I got busy with studying. ( you can expect quicker updates, coz I already have them drafted hehe)

Also, I decided to split up the chapters(because I prefer writing in detail).

I don't want to give this book an abrupt ending. So, it may or may not go beyond four to five chapters and an epilogue for the end.

Thank you Chub-Chubs for your comments and votes❤

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