chapter 3

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"Aaah s-stop palming me please um-m I c-can't control myself-"

Taehyun whisper yelled when beomgyu started palming him on his groin suddenly when they were kissing. They both completely lost it and kept wilding each minute passed by. Not even considering Soobin who was sleeping just a pillow away from them.

Beomgyu stopped palming him and now was hungrily kissing taehyun as one of his hand were on the back of the younger's neck and the other holding his chin for a better grip as he was lying on the bed his legs a bit apart. Taehyun had his both hands wrapped around the the elder's waist as his upper body was completely on top of the elder. And one of his legs were inbetween beomgyu's thigh and his knees were slightly brushing the older's crotch, slowly moving causing friction and made beomgyu moan a bit but soon he made himself bite back the moans as he was now aware of Soobin sleeping beside them. Both the males were feeling completely hot as their bodies were tightly slapped with one another leaving no space whatsoever. Taehyun thought he was in dreamland savouring the passion fruit taste of the elder's tongue but soon his thoughts were interrupted from the moans of the boy under him. It sounded soo sexy to him. he couldn't control his sanity as he broke the kiss and took a look at the Beautiful mess under him

"You are soo beautiful. I - .. uhm I can't control myself baby I want you soo bad"

Taehyun blurted out whatever that came to his mind at that point. He just not only wanted the elder's body but his love too. Beomgyu got a bit flustered from what the younger said but thought that he just said that in the spur of the moment and he really didn't meant it. He flashed an awkward smile before muttering

"I- I hope Soobin is still asleep I don't want him to hear us. He might think we are gay or something and that'll be really weird, right. Because we are just goofing around aren't we?!" He whispered in a husky voice with another annoying giggle.

Beomgyu hopefully looked at Taehyun wanting the younger to assure him that indeed they were only goofing around and it was just their harmones playing and the heat of the moment that lead to this.

Taehyun was petrified to say the least. He became completely numb hearing those words from the elder. His brain slowly processing each words that left beomgyu's mouth. He was taken to the verge of crying alongside the anger and the shame that rose up igniting an unexplainable emotion in his body. He couldn't bring up any words to speak after this, so the only thing he could do was to nod his head and turn around removing his hands and legs from the elder and turned around to take a look a Soobin. He took this opportunity to swallow down the huge lump in his throat and the tears that were forming in his eyes. Taking a deep breath he said that Soobin was peacefully sleeping with his back facing them.

With that Beomgyu became a little calm and turned to the ceiling before saying

"woah that's a relief. But taehyunie, I can't believe what we just did. It all happened in a blink of an eye, but I'm not regretting though. your lips were softer than most of the girl's I have kissed in the past and may be even the girl's I would kiss in the future haha"

beomgyu giggled as he tried to play it cool and he succeeded.

But Taehyun was left completely utter shocked at this point. He was soo damn stupid enough to believe that the elder had some sort of romantic feelings towards him than just lust. But God he was soo wrong and it hurted him to the core. How much he wanted to cry out loud and curse and yell at the gods that made him like this. He always thought if he had to like boys then why the hell wasn't he born an girl. Why should the world be soo unfair to him. Without thinking further into all of this and breaking into tears in front of the elder, he took a deep breath and gathered all the courage in the world to look at the elder before saying,

"Hyung I'm not feeling well. Let's sleep and not talk about this anymore." He said with a little cough.

Beomgyu quickly shifted his gaze from the ceiling to the younger as he heard him. His facial expression changed to worrisome look as he said

"What ! Taehyun don't tell me you have a cold or something " he exclaimed

Taehyun was taken aback from the sudden outburst from the older which made all his sad emotions be overpowered with shock and he became stupefied.

"I- I did had c-cold hyung" he stammered

"WTF Taehyun then you shouldn't have kissed me. What if I catch your cold. Geez you are soo immature Taehyun" beomgyu whisper yelled and with that he turned to the other side and drifted to sleep.

Taehyun was now crying with his eyes closed but quietly as he didn't want any of the two boys lying near him to know. Few minutes after he felt a little shuffling on his side and soon he felt a strong arm wrapping around his body. He opened his eyes turning to beomgyu and saw the elder was sleeping, turned to the other side showing his back. Quickly he understood it was Soobin who is now hugging him and the pillow between them was no more there. He felt a little comfort in Soobin's arms as he moved closer to him and closed his eyes. Soon he stopped crying and now was only thinking about whatever that happened few minutes back.

About the stupid things he did because of his sexual desires that led to this horrible mistake of his life.

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