chapter 30

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A/n: sorry for the very late update

Flashback to when Felix meet Beomgyu in their house *read chapter 26*

Beomgyu couldn't recognise anything or anyone, the only thing that kept running in his mind and ringing in his ears was that of the deep voice that he heard a few seconds ago. The voice he thought he forgot. He didn't even dare to look up to the source of the voice so he kept looking at the ground while his brother held him engulfed in a tight hug.

"Can y'all please leave us alone? I want to talk to Beomie."

Felix said in a stern tone. He couldn't wait anymore, not when his Beomgyu is on the floor looking all helpless and miserable, it pained him to a tremendous extent that he couldn't put a mind on how he sounded. even though he knew he was the beginning of the boy's misery, he was also aware that everyone else added to it unknowingly.

Once the boys left them alone after arguing for sometimes(chapter 26)

"I-Uhmm H-Hey."

Felix slowly approached the boy who was still sitting on the floor. Earlier when Soobin tried to pull him up, he refused.

"Hey-y g-get up, beomie."

He said looking at the younger boy who was now glaring at the floor, tears starting to pool up in his eyes and that broke Felix's heart into pieces. This is not how he wanted to meet the boy after years, not like this.


"I'm so sorry. D-Don't cry please."

The younger boy started crying like a baby. He couldn't hold it anymore. The past few days were like a hell to him. He couldn't comprehend which was the truth and which wasn't. He couldn't name the feeling he had for Taehyun. Beomgyu wanted to ask Felix many questions but he never thought he will meet him but here he was in front of him, he could ask all the questions in his mind but instead, he was blank all he could do was cry. He felt helpless again.

"Please Beomgyu, I know how you are feeling right now. Please, talk it out. That's why I am here."

Felix kneeled on the floor holding his shoulders. After few seconds of calming down, Beomgyu looked him in the eye and asked

"Did you lie to me?"

Beomgyu gave him pleading eyes. Those eyes looked as if he wants him to say that he didn't lie. Felix swallowed hard and responded

"I didn't. I told you whatever I thought was the truth at the time."

Beomgyu smiled ever so slightly at that but soon that faded away when Felix continued

"But now it's all changed, Beomgyu."

This made Beomgyu understand that Felix is no more suffering from his past. The Felix he remembered is long gone.

"So you are happy now, unlike me"


"My life is messed up lixie. You know?"

Beomgyu's eyes started to tear up again and that made Felix panic.

"I'm s-sorry I was the cause of it."

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