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        Anna and olaf slide down the staircase one right after the other. Though I trusted Anna, I had my own doubts. I can't believe that now, out of nowhere; family shows up at the door. It's been 20 years. Why now? Then a sudden chill ran down my spine. The wooden railing of the stairs where my hand had been resting, was begining to frost.

my powers.

The years of father and mother teaching me to conceal it. To not feel, don't let my emotions control this... gift. 

Could news travel that fast of the dreaded Ice queen who froze her kingdom in one night? I crossed my arms so tight around my stomach I felt a short a breath. These people couldn't be family. These people must want to... they think they can?  I shook the idea out of my head and reagained my poise as I steadly began to walk down the stair case.

        They can try to capture me. I'm the queen of Arrendelle after all. My Father and Mother ruled this kingdom before me and I as their daughter will follow in thier steps, as will Anna when her time comes. Nothing and no one can frighten me so easily. I have come too far. 

"Elsa is everything ok?" Anna chimed from down stairs. 

Anna sped up the staricase to meet me. 

"Elsa?" Anna began to whisper as she came closer to me.

"You're leaving a little snow behind you!" Anna whisped in my ear.

I smiled and waved my arm toward the snow causing the snow to melt. Love. I smiled big at Anna and took her hand. 

"Everything is ok. Just my nerves." I calmly explained.

        Anna smiled and lead me down the stairs to find a young woman, about the same age as Anna and a man acompaning her. The young woman turned around to face me and smiled a big gaping smile, to my astonishment; resembeled Anna's.  "Hello, greetings from Corona!" She exciting yelped. She tugged at the mans shirt to capture his attention. He faced me too and bowed respectfully. "Your face suggests that you also didn't know of the sudden family tree, your highness." He smiled jokingly. "Is it that obvious?" I smiled.  

"My name is Rupunzel, Im the daughter of King Thomas and Queen Primrose of Corona. I was kidnapped a few months after my birth, which can explain why you have never heard of me. I was rescued by my husband Eugene Fitzherbert." She motions to the now red faced Eugene.

"blondie..." Eugene smiled nervously. 

"I love that name! Eugene is such an amazing name! It's like You. and Jean. but put them together and its Eugene!" Olaf exclaimed. 

"What is this?!" Eugene jumped back.

"awe, it's a snowman!" Rupunzled cooed

"Yup! Elsa made me" Olaf proudly stated. 

"So you're the lost princess?" Anna excitingly inquried.

I looked at Anna, puzzled. I have never heard of a lost princess, I have never heard of Corona either, But since Anna read the entire Library durring her childhood I was in no position to question her. 

"You heard of me?" Rupunzel grinned brushing a hair from her face.

"Yes! I read it somewhere. The lost princess was the story of the baby girl with hair of gold, who was kidnapped from her kingdom in the middle of the night. I remember it said that on the evening of her birthday every year; the kingdom would light thousands of lanterns in the sky so hopefully one day the lost princess will find her way back home. It was a sight to be seen across the seas. I remember asking my mom if we could go. She said it was just a fairy tale." Anna's face frowned a bit as she leaned on one of the statues. Rupunzels smile also fell but quickly came back. "Im not a fairy tale, the story is true. There was just a few details that weren't mentioned." Rupunzel figited.

"Wait. The story mentioned a baby girl of hair of gold. Pardon my skeptisim, but Rupunzel you're a brunette. How are you the lost princess?" I moved protectivly toward Anna.

Whatever happend next I was ready for. My feet began to chill the tile of the floor. I would'nt let them hurt Anna. 

Rupunzel chuckled as she hugged Eugene's arm and smiled toward him. Eugene touched Rupunzels hand which rested on his arm and returned a big smile.  

His eyes then met mine and with a hint of a smolder on his face he began to say; "You're majesty, have you ever heard of the Magic Golden Flower?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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