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"Anna, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry Anna..." I stared at my sisters frozen eyes. I fell in her solid ice arms gripping her waist. "Anna...please; I love you!" I cried out as my frozen tear drops fell from my eyes. The sky suddenly in a cold bitter wind went dark and the room shifted and turned white, I opened my eyes and spun around breathing heavily. My eyes still filled with my now iced tear drops, a door took shape at the end of the room.  (knock' knock' knock'... knock' knock') "Elsa?" I gasped and stood still I began to feel ice on heels of my feet. "Do you want to build a snowman?"  I lept toward the door breaking the ice that formed on legs; running as fast as I could. "Anna! Yes! I would love to build a snowman! Anna!" The door kept knocking and the more I ran toward the door the more it felt as if the door itself was moving farther away.

"Elsa?... I dont know what I did to get you so mad at me but I'm sorry... Elsa?..."

"Anna! I'm here! Please I'm sorry! Anna don't go!"


"Ok... bye."

"No! Anna!" 

I continued running toward the door. I closed my eyes and held out my hand and with the flick of my wrist I froze the door and blew it out of its hinges. I ran through the door way and before I could reach the hallway I felt a force pull me down this gaping fozen hole. "Anna!" I cried out before I hit my head on the frozen rock bottom. 

I shot out from my bed. Breathing heavilly looking around my now ice covered room. It was just a dream. "Just a dream, Elsa", I began my calming routine imediatly. I slowly breathed in and closed my eyes. In the darkness; I imagined my parents. Anna dancing with Dad and my mother looking at me with love in her eyes cluthing a small blue book. For a moment it was perfect. I felt a small warm tear, drop from my face. I opened my eyes and saw the ice had melted. Love. I stood up relevied and walked toward my window.

Fresh sunny day in Arrendelle, I felt a smile grow on my face; just a dream.  

I made my way toward my beaudaire and opened my palms and flurried them around my head. A turqoise gown today to enjoy the wonderful sun and ocean breeze outside. It wasn't long till I fashioned myself some shoes when Anna and olaf came throught the door. "Elsa! you will never believe it!" Anna shouted gleefully as she jumped on my bed. "What won't I believe?" I smiled as I made my way to the bed. "We have family guests!" Olaf cheered. 

"family guests?" I looked at Anna for an explanation.

"Yes! I know! I couldn't believe it either! But then again when she found out, she couldn't believe it either! But oh my gosh! We have family guests! I can't believe mom never told us she had a sister, what a stinker! But good news is we have a Aunt and uncle and Elsa, we have a cousin! and a cousin in law! We have family guests!" Anna started dancing around the room excitingly untill she noticed I'd have already walked away toward the dark corner of my room by the window. 

Anna and olaf smiled at each other and followed. Anna took my hands and looked out the window for a moment. "They're gonna love you, I know they will" Anna reasured as she looked at me with her puppy dog eyes.  I smiled weakly feeling a uneasiness in my stomach. I took a deep breath. "You're amazing why wouldn't they love you?!" Olaf chimed in as he snuggled on the foot of my gown. "I guess we should go and meet them" I grined. 

This felt like a mistake waiting to happen.

Out of habit I quickly put on my gloves, and told my stomach to settle down. I regained my poise and followed Anna and Olaf skip out of my room. My stomach was still upset with me but for Anna, I'd do anything. 

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