Chapter 11: Cat on the loose

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After the interaction with the Monkey Faunus - who he introduced himself as Sun Wukong, Blake is now seen walking with him on the streets.

The introduction didn't really went smoothly as Blake immediately walked away after she saw the monkey boy. Sun called out to her whilst following her, but Blake didn't bother looking back. Sun then mentioned about the white fang, which made the cat-girl to stop on her tracks. He smirked a bit since that gotten her attention, but soon dropped it when Blake turned with a glare.

Blake asked if he was part of the organization, which Sun replied "No.", while shaking his head. In her relief too, since she was right. Speaking of that, Blake couldn't go back to Beacon - not just yet. She and Weiss still had that conflict, and what's worse that she, her team, along with Hartmann - all knew her secret.

She needed a temporary place to stay for just a day or two. So, she look back to Sun and asked him if he know of a hotel that's not that expensive. The monkey faunus thought of a small hotel he passed by once, maybe that could do.

Blake gave him a small nod and let him lead the way to the hotel where as she put her bow back up.

Both Faunus didn't say a word to eachother after they left the bridge, the only exceptions were them giving weird awkward glances to eachother before looking away.

Eventually, they made it to the hotel. The building is only about 4 stories, and the layout is not that wide. It's a cheap hotel after all, which what the feline needs to stay in for the night.

"This is the place." Sun said.

"Right. Thanks for your help, sun." Blake replied, walking into the building. Though she didn't expect that Sun was also going in to the hotel with her. Blake stopped and turned around. "What are you doing?"

Sun raised his eyebrow. "What does it look like? I'm going in to rent a room for the night. It is pretty late to go back to my team."

"Oh..well, alright then." Blake was about to go in, until Sun stopped her by putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Just one thing." He said.

Blake let out a huff, turning back to him. "What?" She exclaimed.

"Can i borrow some lien?" Sun asked, while showing his empty pockets with a nervous chuckle. Blake let out a sigh before taking out her wallet and the lien for him. After that, they both went in and parted ways when they got their rooms.

As Blake was making her way to her room, she was in her thoughts of what she will do now. The main thing she will do is to prove the white fang's innocence from that dust shop, and finding out who were the actual robbers that did it.

Now the other part is her team, and also Hartmann but mostly her teammates - especially Weiss. What would she do if she meet them again. or even what would they think when she ran? She knew herself that running away from them was wrong, so wrong. But the reason is she just wasn't ready for she had to ran, like the old times she did...

Having lost in her thoughts, Blake didn't look to where she was going, which ended up to her bumping into someone's shoulder. She instantly went back to reality, then look back to who she bumped into.

It was a boy in a black hoodie, which if she wasn't wrong - almost the same age as her. Though he had most of his face covered with only his mouth visible to her.

"Watch where you are going!" He rudely said and walked elsewhere away from her. Blake didn't bother apologizing and made her way to her room. Though the hooded boy looked pretty suspicious, but it was probably nothing for Blake to deal with.

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