
18 5 2

Waking up to the sound of rustling in the apartment I check my phone and see it's 6 o'clock

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Waking up to the sound of rustling in the apartment I check my phone and see it's 6 o'clock. Wow, my sleep schedule is going to be a mess for a while but at least I'm not exhausted anymore.

I got out of bed still in a sleepy haze. Looking in the mirror my hair was a mess because I had forgotten my bonnet, I'd have to buy one soon. I did my best to look presentable including brushing my teeth and washing my face.

Strolling into the kitchen I found Belle humming while putting groceries away. I had paid 12 months of rent including money for all the stuff we'd share like basic foods, water and electricity as well as shared toiletries.

"Hey, need any help?"

Belle jumped slightly " I didn't hear you come in, had quite the fright there and no I'm just about done. However, you can help me decide what to make for supper and just a heads up my cooking skills are very limited.

"My mom owns a restaurant back home so I'd say my cooking skills aren't awful. If you wanted to wash up or just relax for a bit I could look around and make something."

"Thank you, that sounds perfect and you're gonna save me a fortune on all the takeout I won't have to order" we both chuckled. She walked away but shook her head when I yelled "I cook you clean!"

I was digging around the kitchen for a bit before I found a bag of shrimp deep in the freezer. Checking the expiration date it was good for another 2 weeks.

My mother loved to say if you had a protein and a carb you could pretty much make anything. I moved over to the pantry and saw the pack of linguine Belle had just bought.

25 minutes later Belle came out of her room, hair wet from her shower. I had made a cream sauce for the shrimp and boiled the pasta. Deciding to leave them separate in case Belle liked less sauce.

"Gosh Caylani I wasn't worried about the freshman fifteen until now, that smells divine."

"Well it's pretty much done so help yourself, do you wanna eat in the living room and maybe watch Netflix?"

"Yeah totally I think that dining table is more for decor I've never used it a day in my life"

We both helped ourselves and sat on the L-shaped couch in the living room. Belle got up to go get some blankets from the hall closet so I turned on the tv and began scrolling through all the shows.

"Can we please watch Grey's Anatomy? I've seen all 17 seasons at least 3 times but one more couldn't possibly hurt" Belle pleaded

I couldn't keep in my squeal any longer " I love greys but one condition we start on season 2 cause it doesn't get interesting till Mark joins"

"I won't argue there but Derek is way hotter than Mark"

I looked at her with a mock shocked expression "Absolutely not!" We both burst out laughing for what seemed like the 100th time since I met her.

I played the episode and started getting comfortable when I saw Belle throwing her head back. "I promise I'll shut up after this but wow this pasta is incredible. I giggled slightly digging into my own bowl.

After watching 2 episodes of Grey's Belle started dozing off and came to the conclusion she was ready for bed, but not before doing the dishes. Half asleep might I add, her commitment to what I said had made me chuckle internally.

As I finished getting ready for bed which included me using a scarf I found for my hair, I really needed to get a bonnet soon. I strolled over to my bed and scrolled through my socials checking on some of my "friends" from back home.

I never had an issue with making friends before however, they were all more or less acquaintances. It wasn't something that ever bothered me as I was and still am aware I have time to meet the friends that'll become like family. The ones that'll be my shoulders to cry on, that'll travel the world with me, support each other's dreams, be at my wedding by my side, and maybe even the godparents of my children. But that was all years away!

Carried away with my thoughts I hadn't realized my phone ringing in my hands but seeing my mom's contact I picked up immediately.

"Mom, hi how are you"

"Don't hi how are you me young lady. I did not raise you to not pick up your mother's calls or to give your mother mini heart attacks by travelling to a whole different continent and not calling for 2 days"

She had said it all in a teasing tone but the underlying seriousness wasn't missed.

"I apologize mother it was not my intention to scare you I was just tired and trying to settle in I planned on calling you and dad tomorrow"

"Alright hun all is forgiven you know I can't stay mad at you. Anyhow, I had called to tell you I actually sent your stuff over the night after you left hoping to save time so they should be arriving the day after tomorrow. Also! I sent a few things I thought you'd need and don't argue with me what's been done is done."

" Okay mom I won't bother. I was just about to hit the sheets so I'm gonna go but I love you! Oh and tell dad I love him too."

"Mhm sure, love you too hun sweet dreams."

Belle and I had talked about her giving me a tour of the campus and showing me all the shops and cafes near our apartment so I wouldn't be completely lost when I wanted to venture out on my own and hopefully it'd make it easier to find all my classes my first week.

I was most excited to finally get a bonnet and some silk pillowcases, I could feel my hair weeping already.

Seeing the scenery also wouldn't hurt. I love walking trails and the beach so I'd have to ask Belle about that tomorrow. Things were going well so far and I couldn't be more grateful.

Falling back on my pillows just like the night before I shut my eyes and fell into another dreamless sleep.

Falling back on my pillows just like the night before I shut my eyes and fell into another dreamless sleep

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xoxo- Kiki

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