"Is it possible if we come over? The boys miss you, I do too." Your body flutters, feeling like a dream doll to his words and his words alone. "Yes, don't take forever I miss my bowls and loki plushie." He chuckles, "that's all you miss? Not even me?" You smile, trying to act like that sentence didn't make you feel special. "Meh, you're alright. I'm kidding, but seriously I want my bowels and loki plushie back, Joon." He hums, "I hope you're- "no. I know what you're going to say and no, I'm not capable of making cheesecake right at this moment." He groans a small laugh leaves your lips.

"And to think we're cool." Your lips open, hearing a knock on your door you get up from your couch, "we are, now shush." Opening it, Namjoon holds the plushie in his hands, opening up for a hug. You hug the tall man, feeling like your running on clouds as his cologne hits your nose.

You hear Jungkook and Hoseok's voice, separating yourself from Namjoon, the three men walk in your loft, a plastic bag of washed bowels in it. You smile to yourself as Jungkook gets comfortable on your couch, his hand pats to tell you to sit right next to him. Listening, you get comfortable feeling his arms wrap on your shoulder giving you a friendly squeeze.

You turn the tv on, skipping through channels as your favorite show pops up. Namjoon and Hoseok are in the kitchen putting the bowels away as you and Jungkook enjoy the show. "Y/N?" Jungkook mutters, you look at him, wondering what the young boy has to say. "There's a girl that I go to college with she's really pretty and I kinda need your help. I would ask Namjoon or Hoseok...but let's be honest. They would embarrass me." You laugh at the young boy, feeling a stare burning into your skin, turning Namjoon watches, face unreadable.

"Well, girls like when you make them a playlist of their favorite songs, songs that make them feel gorgeous." He nods, "Y- "Y/N." You turn, eyes locking with Namjoon, "your plushie?" You smile, quickly getting up from your couch rushing into the kitchen Namjoon pulls the plushie higher as you jump to get it. He stands on his tippy toes as he laughs, you groan trying to get it but you fail.

"Dude!" He laughs, even more, falling back to his normal height as you still jump to get it. "You really are short, bunny." You roll your eyes, grinning at the nickname.

Namjoon grabs a spoon from Hoseok's hands placing it by your mouth as your brows furrow, "the hell is that?" "Soup, my friend Jin made it." You hum, opening your mouth as you feel the spoon come in contact with your tongue. You softly moan at the taste seeing Namjoon's body shiver as you do. "This is really good, a little cold but good. Also, I'm not short, your just tall, taller than all of us." He smirks, offering the plushie to you as his hands wrap around your body, giving you a warm hug you melt in his arms wishing the hug would last longer than two seconds.

Walking back to the couch, Namjoon and Hoseok follow behind you, as Namjoon sits next to Jungkook and you sit in-between him and Hoseok. Feeling a hand lay on your shoulder, a ring hits your skin making you realize Namjoon is closer to you than before.

You couldn't tell why he was so touchy all of a sudden, that's not like him. He's not one for hugs and neither are you but you couldn't lie, the feeling of him being sweet around you made your stomach twist in the best way possible. He pulls you closer, your right thigh laying on his lap as he plays with the cloth of your night-dress. You could feel how slow his breathing was compared to you. And you realized, he only sees you as a friend rather than some girl he would make love to. You still wondered why you allowed yourself to get close around him but you knew all those times you two took care of each other you wouldn't help yourself fall into a pool of hopeless love. A love unexpected and inexistent cause he most likely won't feel the same way.

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