namjoon smut

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This gone be a very long ass story 😒 anyways enjoy 😉

You watched your neighbor dazed as can be by his beauty, staring down at him on your balcony, his hair tied up in a man bun with a black headband covering his forehead. Sweat glistened on his tan masculine body, while the wind hit both of you two. Your tree branches that had peaches hanging from them hanged low, hitting your white rocking chair slowly. You were sure the peach was bruised by now. Just like the small bruise marks on your neighbor's body from the random girl he fucked last night. The sweat that rolled down his collar bone that is covered with hickeys didn't do any better for you.

His eyes are closed, heavy breathing, and a small snarky smirk lay on his face. You knew the small crush on your sex-addicted neighbor was growing more and more, everything about him was perfect even the flaws were perfect to you. You watched him for a little bit longer, filthy thoughts of him never leaving your mind or lips.

Your white silk slip night-dress clasp against your body, your nipples meekly stood against the silk dress from the cold. Sipping the medium-sized cup of tea, you decided to walk back into your loft, shutting the glass backdoor. You were tired of the small cat chase, tired of how every girl namjoon brought back to his place you would hear their moans, you were jealous but you could never show him that.

Cause, after all, he would just be the innocent neighbor who fixes your dishwasher and shower and you would be the friendly acquaint who sent him delicious home-cooked food any time he was running out. And at night, he would just be the stranger that gets you off without even looking or touching you. He was different at night, eyes darker, his whole persona was different and any time you watched him leave by your balcony only to come back drunk with a different girl to fuck his life away. And you would listen, annoyed for many reasons but the biggest one was jealousy painted as sleep-deprived.

You two without a doubt knew each other's routine. You woke up, ate breakfast if it wasn't time-consuming, went to work, came back home around seven, and stayed up at your computer till eleven dealing with boring professors. He woke up, got dressed, came over to your loft to get breakfast with small talk in-between, left, went outside and worked out, stayed in his place doing god knows what until it was eleven. It happened like this for a whole year, if you were lucky on the weekends you would invite him and his sweet friend's hoseok, and jungkook over to your house to enjoy each other's company.

You swore to yourself to never walk into Namjoon's place, and you never broke it. No matter how tempted you were you couldn't become another girl he got off to. You weren't some sex-toy and a man you were deeply attracted to wouldn't change that. Truth be told you were never attracted to his looks only, it was the warmth of his company and his pretty dimples that popped out any time he smiled at your jokes or food. You two could've become best friends but the invisible string of fear held you back.

Your phone rang in your hands, picking it up you answered hearing the familiar laughter. You smiled to yourself biting your tongue as your heart did small dances. "Y/N?" Namjoon cooed, his voice was so soft and low, a great mixture to you.

"I can hear Jungkook in the back." You mutter, trying your best to escape your racing heart that kept getting tangled in ropes of hopelessness. Namjoon hums, "Hoseok is trying to get the cupcakes you made but Jungkook keeps chasing him. So, what are you up to?" You look at your calendar, mentally cursing at yourself as you keep the smile on your face. "Ah you know, the normal. Just chilling." You mumble, you felt so nervous. He wasn't even sitting next to you, though his loft was right beside yours a strong wall couldn't block any attraction.

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