A door sounds like it opens and closes, but I snap my eyes shut and keep myself looking natural to make sure the teacher doesn't know I'm awake.

I stay like that for 20 minutes before I fake snapping awake in paranoia. The teacher jumps from his chair and releases my body from the stocks to allow it to fall to the floor.

Holding in my pain I stare blankly at the teacher as he tries to hand me pills. We stare at each other for 5 minutes before he gets the message and stops trying to offer me the pills.

Suddenly a darkness surrounds me and I find myself in the auditorium after a long speech from the headmaster. He had explained what exactly the school was to the new students and was calling me forward to do a demonstration.

I walk forward confidently, but slowly. Each step strains my raw back, but I refuse to let it show.

The headmaster calls two other students off stage who pull an older man onto the stage and then announces that he and I will fight to the death.

It was obvious that the man hadn't eaten or moved in a while and that this won't be a hard kill, but it will scare the other girls.

Angry with the obvious ploy, I glare at the headmaster while I jump over the man and use my momentum to snap his neck.

I stare out into the crowd to see who will meet my eyes and see 4 girls, including the one who noticed me earlier. I decide immediately that I will take her and two of the others who can meet my eyes fearlessly as my friends.

My eyes snap open, and I instantly sit up on my bed looking to see if I'm safe or not. A small tear falls from my eye at the dream I just woke up from, but then a knock on the door tells me someone is outside. Confirming it's Tyler, I allow the door open, so he can bring my food in.

"Put it on the table," I tell him, stripping my shirt off, to change into more professional clothes. Tyler does as told, but when he notices the scars on my back he gasps.

"Wha... wha... what ha... hap... happened t... to you?"

It takes me a while to realise that he's talking about the scars on my back, but when I do, I roll my eyes. "You think I willingly became a killer? No hun, I was made into this fucking monster through years of torture and training. These scars on my back have been there since I was 7 and have grown since then."

Tyler's jaw bobs up and down while he processes, but I don't give him a chance to recover, "The Ghost you want dead so badly started when she was 5. She never had a choice on whether she was going to kill others or not, but she did try to find outlets that don't involve killing when they were forcing her to kill everyday.

"The year your dad was killed by her, they did something so terrible that she snapped. I never heard her say what it was, but I knew that it had to have been worse than every form of torture she'd gone through from whipping to rape.

"She took on every job she could that year and even stole some from the others. It was crazy, but the worst part was, with all the killing she was doing, she couldn't stop to watch the victims anymore. She used to pick and choose which people she was willing to kill, but for one year she killed anyone in her path." I told him my story.

I wanted to see how he would react, but to be honest I was hoping he'd changed his mind. I'd been working with him for a week now and I'd already decided I liked him as an assistant so he should know the whole truth soon.

Tyler just stares at me blankly, "I don't fucking care what the hell they did to her. If she's so fucking miserable then why doesn't she just kill herself and get it over with?"

My anger surges at his words as I grab his neck banging him into the wall, "Just because you think you know the full story doesn't mean shit! You should NEVER say those words EVER AGAIN! Do you understand me! If you wanna know the truth, she has things to do and people to protect. She hasn't outlived her purpose just yet." I growl in his face before throwing him to the floor.

He scrambles to the door and away from me in fear. I breathe a sigh out, collapsing to the floor in exhaustion despite having just woken up.

Maybe he's right. Maybe killing myself will end everyone else's pain. I just wanted to save the people I love.


Galaxy dreams of the day she finally got to meet the other girls while she was still at school, but gets whipped for trying to see them early. Then the headmaster makes her kill a man in front of everyone before letting them decide who to make friends with. When she wakes up she tells Tyler a bit about what happened to her and to Ghost in the hopes he'd change his mind. Unfortunately he tells her that Ghost should commit suicide and after throwing him out she can't help but agree with him.


I just want to say that while I did write Tyler's words, I would never say that. There is nothing in this world that would ever make me think that about someone. Suicide is never the answer!

If you ever need to talk to someone message me! Or a friend or someone you trust. I am NOT a professional or anything, but I am willing to lend an ear.

For those you who need it the American Suicide prevention line is 1 (800) 273 - 8255

Please contact someone for help if you ever feel like this.

On a lighter note my brother is getting married this weekend so I am going to have another chapter up within the next 2 days, so I'm not trying to write while at the wedding (cuz I would).

Also I was thinking of adding a "chapter " purely for your questions to the characters, what do you think?

See you in the next chapter!

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