50. Death

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Lucy ran into the library to find Mary still passed out but now tied to a chair with her arms behind her back and Bea standing guard.

Lucy took a moment to process the scene then smiled in relief. Bea had her back.

"Thank you." Lucy nodded her head. "For securing her."

"It was my honor." Bea smiled and nodded back.

"Can I have a moment with her?" Lucy asked, still watching the peaceful cadance of her sleeping sister's breath.

"As you wish," Bea acknowledged, then stepped out of the library leaving the two of them alone.

Lucy watched her sister for a silent moment. She knew she should wake Mary but she enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Lucy pulled up a chair and sat it across from Mary. She sat down and relaxed into the chair. The day had been long and exhausting, she was ready to sleep for a week straight, but she wasn't done yet.

"It didn't have to be this way," Lucy whispered to her sister's sleeping form. She thought about all the other ways in which she wanted this to happen and all the ways she didn't want it to happen. This was one of the ways she didn't want it to happen.

She violated her sister and stripped her of her power and shut down her energetic center. Mary was nothing more than mortal flesh and bone. She no longer could tap into the magick that moments before flowed naturally through her blood. This was the worst possible punishment Lucy could have wraught upon her sister. Death would have offered a quick and easy end, but instead she left her powerless and tortured.

Lucy dewelled in these thoughts which was probably why she didn't hear Merlin approach from behind her.

He spoke, "You did the right thing. This was the best possible outcome." He was trying to be reassuring but it had the opposite affect on Lucy.

She snapped her head around and glared at him. "How can you say that? This is the worst outcome! I am subjecting my sister to pure torture. I took away the only thing she has ever cared about, the only thing that protected her." Lucy spit venomously.

"Your sister was abusing her power. Do you remember what happened when Vortigern and Mordred did that? Those men are dead now. You have a chance to help save your sister. She is still young and has an entire life to live. One she may even learn to do so happily," Merlin explainded calmly, completely unaffected by Lucy's rage.

"But she is going to hate me. And what if she rebels even more? She might end up dead either way. She doesn't want my help, trust me I've been trying." Lucy hung her head low, completely defeated.

"Hmm.. But who said it was you who needed to help her?"

"You! You just did like a second ago."

"I said you have a chance to save her, and you do, by allowing us to help. We can take her to Eildon Hills. We can do more for her there than we can here." Merlin replied.

"You really think she could be happy again?"

"I do." Merlin nodded.

"Okay. Then that is what we will do, but first I need to talk to her, and so does her Viking husband."

"As you should." Merlin bowed his head and smiled.

Lucy turned back to her sister and shook her awake. "Mary... Wake up."

Slowly but surely Mary's eyes started to flutter open. Lucy sat across from her and just waited for her to come to. It took a few minutes but suddenly Mary jolted awake. She looked around for a moment taking in her surroundings until her eyes landed on Lucy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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