mission budgies

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There's no one left to hold me when I cry,
Tell me, now who will sing me my lullaby.

30 march 2017

I never liked being wrong.

In fact I hated it, I would always go to extreme measures to ensure I was always right.

I remember once, when I was around thirteen, Noah begged, and when I say begged; I mean literally begged mum and dad to get him a pair of budgies.

I, on the other hand, despised the idea.

Lucas wasn't the biggest fan of the whole bunji invasion either, but decided not to say anything as long as Noah would keep them in his room and not let them out.

I had studied about budgies in my science textbook enough times to know for a fact that they were often caged for their beauty and voice.

It angered me to the point that I decided to talk to mum and dad about it, in hope that they would change their minds.

My steps flattened as I walked towards their room.

Their room had some sort of an aura, it might sound hilarious but I promise that every time I would walk near their room as a kid;

A sense of nervousness would consume me whole, while butterflies would dance spontaneously in my stomach,

as if mentally preparing me for their decision,

A decision that could be against what I want.

And that didn't sit right with me.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed forwards and knocked on their door

Continuously reassuring myself that mum and dad wouldn't go against what I want.

Especially since I was right.

I dazed back into the reality as I heard mum say, "come on in",

I could do this.

I will do this.

I pushed down the knob and opened the door with my sweaty hands.

Mum was seated onto one of the sofas, her legs crossed and her macbook in her lap; she seemed to be working.

Her beige baggy tee-shirt complimented her skin tone, while her black hair was tied up into a rough morning bun.

She seemed to be laughing at something dad might have said.

My parents were like that.

They fought endlessly, were pissed off at each other for hours, but somehow; they always seemed to make up.

But every family has problems, don't they?

However, not every family has the same  happiness like ours did.

We always knew exactly what would make each other smile;

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