plan b.

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You hold me prisoner; chains around my feet,
You trap me behind cell walls,
for you're too frightened of your defeat,

11 October 1999

As my eyelids fluttered open, I was greeted with a dozen unfamiliar faces.

My heart skipped a beat as my orbs laid on the women who gave birth to me.

She scrunched her face as if she was in pain. I'd be lying if I said she wasn't gorgeous even with her tired chocolate brown orbs staring down at me and her curly jet black hair tied up in a messy bun.

Her pale skin now coated with beads of sweat and her flushed cheeks numb with a fresh stream of salty tears.

I felt my own  tears escape my eyes as a dozen of awes echoed in my ears frightening me. Her cherry lips curved into an angelic smile as the nurse handed me over to her.

My cries grew louder as she held me scared that she would let me go. "Haziran", she cooed.

"Shhh don't you worry my little cupcake; I would never let no one hurt you" she promised.

Somehow her voice pierced straight through my heart as I felt that assuringly satisfying and the tears instantly stopped flowing.

Her scent invaded my nostrils and I snuggled closer into her chest as I felt her arms tighten around me and that's when I became certain that no one and nothing in this world could harm me, not while I had her hands wrapped around me.


18 December 2004

I wasn't your regular five year old. I learnt how to throw kicks and punches before I could walk. My dad was the most genuine man I knew.

He had a short temper but he never ever took it out on either us or my mother.

My father Draven Williams, was an average man but time caught up to him far more quickly then it should've.

His hair is dirty silver while his face was carved with wrinkles and stress lines.

The amount of control he had over himself never failed to amuse me, he'd keep his lips sealed as my mother would throw tantrums about him never paying enough attention towards either her or us.

They'd normally get into arguments like those while me and my brothers would sit in the hallways and eavesdrop on their conversation.

I had two brothers. Lucas and Noah.

They were both three years older then me and them being twins didn't help the situation.

They would do whatever it would take to get on my nerves and when I would react to their nonsensical bullshit, they'd claim I was overreacting and being a baby, reporting to mum and dad with a new version of the scenario where I was held guilty of being the culprit.   


4 August 2010

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