you're a monster.

313 23 4

You played with fire and expected not to burn,
What hurts me isn't what you did,
But it's what you've become.

27 January 2011
4:07 pm

I knew I shouldn't have but curiosity took over as I tilted my head to sneak a peek at the massacre that was currently taking place not more than a few meters from where I stood.

My orbs landed on a group of men dressed in black and I wondered if it was some sort of a uniform or a dress code like all the other servants working in the mansion had.

Except for the fact that their uniform was plain light blue for the women and light pink for the men.

The tints of their uniforms were my idea, since I hoped it would help break certain stereotypes set by our malicious society,

mum didn't quite agree; she believed each gender has their certain roles and differences; which sounded like crap to me.

Therefore, I talked to dad; more like begging. It took more than a month but I guess he was so sick of hearing the same issue over and over again that he decided to let me get away with it just for the sake of me shutting up.

A gun each was placed in their fancy leather belts. All five of them had their hair cropped and styled back with probably one of the expensive hair gels Lucas and Noah often used.

A watch hugged their right wrists and just above the watch laid a dragon-like black tattoo.

What tipped me off was that I couldn't help but notice that all of them had their left ear pierced as a black earring hugged their earlobes with a matching bluetooth earpiece in one of their ears.

Their bodies immobile as if awaiting for a command and their faces indescribably emotionless.

I ticked off my balance as I scanned their faces, trying to memorise every tiny detail to later inform the cops.

They all surrounded the poor girl still tied up but her blindfold no longer hugging her eyes but instead hanging loosely from the base of her throat; all eying her like a prey ready to devour.

I couldn't catch a glimpse of the guy who stood right in front of her, since he had his back towards me but judging by his posture and the way all the other four men reacted to his commands, anyone could easily guess that he was the leader.

His dressing was different too since he was clothed in a plain red tinted shirt and navy blue jeans.

I couldn't help but notice that his shoes resembled the brown river island ones that mom had gotten for daddy last year on Christmas.

He slightly nodded his head towards one of the scary guys dressed like goblins and the puppet immediately walked away from him and towards my direction.

My heart skipped a beat as I registered that he's nearing me, I began to search for anything to hurt this man if he got any closer, but found nothing useful to my dismay.

Fortunately, he simply went past me, resulting in me exhaling a breath I didn't even know I was holding as he made his way to one of the shelves located across the room.

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