until we meet again.

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I wonder if there was no crime,
If there was no threat to humans lives,
I wonder if we knew no hate,
How many people would've lived to this date,
I wonder if things weren't this bad,
I cry for the world, we never truly had.

27 march 2017
3:38 pm

I swiftly gazed in the direction and caught sight of a young girl, roughly aged nineteen with iron straight black hair and full cheeks, sparkling hazel eyes and glossy lips, she was clothed in a pair of black denims, a grey vest, and a black leath...

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

I swiftly gazed in the direction and caught sight of a young girl, roughly aged nineteen with iron straight black hair and full cheeks, sparkling hazel eyes and glossy lips, she was clothed in a pair of black denims, a grey vest, and a black leather jacket to finish the look, with a similar shade of shoes.

Both her ears were pierced, multiple piercings in each and she wore a tiny diamond in all of them, to ensure each one was visible.

A golden locket hung from her neck and the exposed skin of her wrist was inked in gorgeous calligraphy. I couldn't read what was written thoroughly since the man kept tugging at the same wrist.

But I could've sworn it read something with the letters 'F' and ended with 'A', adding up her appearance, she didn't seem like someone who would want to be messed with and I could only pity the man dragging her.

Maybe it was her father, but manhandling someone, even his daughter in this case was unacceptable and anyways her fear towards him claimed otherwise.

She looked much too scared to be called beautiful at that moment since her colour turned slightly pale and her chest heaved violently while her features were distorted, but I was completely sure she was stunning otherwise.

She was being barbarically dragged by a middle aged man in a suit, he looked far too angry and irritated at her as his grip on her hand tightened while he pulled her along with him as she yelped for help.

Yet no one moved a muscle, some claiming it's their personal business, while others too busy recording the scene before them in their phones as to later on put it up and hashtag it as 'childabuse' or 'harassment', just to gain views and likes rather than to actually help out in real life and that made me sick.

I don't know what I was thinking but in under a micro-second I was across them.

It all happened so fast, I pushed him back and she ripped her wrist out of his lethal hold, quickly steeping back to create some distance as she reached for her boots and pulled out a shiny pistol, aiming it at the man and before I or anyone else could've stopped her, a shot sounded the area as it pierced the man right between his eyes.

I watched helplessly as he fell limp on the concrete.

Screams and cries congested the atmosphere as inhabitants rushed around to seek shelter.

I could hear Sage yelling at me to get the fuck out of here, as she tugged at my hand, pleading for me to move aside, but I couldn't

She killed him.

Behind Closed DoorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora