you kicked ass.

252 18 2

6 years later.

27 March 2017

The sunlight peaked right down at my peaceful state, and my eyes which were once calm instantly turned lethal, desperately wanting to diminish whatever had the audacity to ruin my beauty sleep.

I let out a slow groan as I tucked my head under the pillow, hoping that would end my misery and allow me to have a couple more moments in the warmth of my blankets before another exhausting day.

It was a regular hot day in Melbourne; the sun baked the streets, the buildings and everything in its way.

Forcing my eyes shut, I tried to fall back into the peaceful slumber that had once consumed me but it seemed almost effortless since the alarm rang just moments after.

Unbothered yet extremely frustrated, I stretched my arm out and threw my fist onto the side table,

the sound of several bones cracking echoed through the room as my fist collided with its surface; over and over until I located the alarm clock,

once I found it, I grabbed it anxiously and threw it across the room causing the rings that once rang loud and disturbing to fade, allowing me to proceed with my slumber.

I felt at peace knowing that Rania took a day off today, so there wouldn't be further interruptions.

Mom never bothered waking me up anymore, she stopped the day of my little outburst incident.

Okay maybe more than just a little.

My happiness was short lived when my phone began to ring, breaking me out of my daze.

I whined as I sat up on the bed, sliding the phone off the table next to the bed and watched it vibrate in my hand.

Not sure if I should pick it up.

The phone stilled for a moment, so did the tune fade away.

However, just as I was about to mentally dance in victory, the siren and the vibrations resumed.

Knowing I had no other option, I slid my finger on the screen to the right, placing my thumb on the finger scanner instead of writing the password. I always found that unbelievably challenging.

My finger mistakenly pressed 'answer', and that's when I realised I was toast.

"Where the fuck are you?", she sounded pissed.

"I can't come. I'm sorry", I tried my best sounding apologetic; trying to recall where exactly I was supposed to go in the first place.

"And why exactly can't you?", it seemed as if she knew exactly what I was playing at.

"Because- because I have a cold and a severe cough", trailing off with a shit excuse of a cough, I reasoned.

"Haziran Fucking Willaims. I am not taking any of your shit right now. We've been talking about this party for a week,

you willingly agreed so now I'll be at your front door in less than fifteen minutes and if you're not dressed, oh god help me, I will drag you down the stairs, out the front door and into the car. Your time starts now.", Sage threatened,

I would have laughed my ass off if it came from someone else, but knowing my best friend, I would be stupid to assume she's all bark and no bite.

I pulled myself out of bed, cursing at my pathetic self for not waking up earlier.

Rushing towards the bathroom, I turned on the water in hope to have a soothing warm bath when I was blessed with icy cold water instead.

Why does no one in this house turn the water warmer on when I need it.

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