Chapter 5

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Song request:
Heart Like Yours- Jamie Blackley
Please.... Don't Leave Me:

Percy's P.O.V.
The phone on my desk keeps ringing, as if it's on an endless loop. After the tenth ring, I reach for the menacing devise.
"I think you have the wrong number," I inform abruptly.
"Mr. Jackson, this is the St. Francis Hospital. I'm sorry to say that Miss Annabeth Chase was involved in a severe car collision. Your presence at this hospital was request by the victim's family. You are wanted here ASAP."
My jaw drops, I lose my grip on the phone and it plummets instantly to the group. I don't bother to say anything else. Within seconds, I'm out the door.

• • • • •
It's hard to miss the big red cross on the building, and the caduceus "logo" on ambulances. I park my car sloppily in a random lot and run at the speed of light towards those double-doors.
I sprint down every hall, trying to find my way through this impossible labyrinth. I bolted through the corridors, my lungs screaming as I increased my breathing rapidly. I saw Annabeth's parents sharing grief. I asked repetitively if Annabeth was stable, if she was going to be okay. But I knew I would be too late. I kept asking questions even though I already knew their answer.
"ANNABETH!" I shouted over and over, but I should've know better. My wise girl was already gone.

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