Chapter 3

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Song request
Even My Dad Does Sometimes- Ed Sheeran
"I knew I never should have trusted you." My hands shake like an earthquake.
"I don't know why you're so upset! This is great!" Why does he have to be such a seaweed brain!!
"I'm barely eighteen," I lower my voice. "I'm supposed to go to college, not start a family!"
"Well Annabeth," Percy says. "Nothing with you is how it's supposed to be."
With that said, I suddenly become defensive. "Was I the one who suggested we buy a camp? Or to share an apartment? It's not my fault this happened!"
He takes a step back. "So your blaming me for this?" He questions.
"Yeah, I think that was implied! Gods, Percy. You're so stupid sometimes." My voices lifts to the roof.
He points to the door. "Get out."
"Excuse me?" My voice cracks like shattered glass. "I live here too."
He hands me my purse and walks towards the door. "Not anymore."
I stop in my tracks. "What, so you just get me pregnant and then kick me out of your life?" I ask, like I'm just another victim with Stockholm syndrome.
He slams the door closed so forcefully the walls shake. Several photographs collapse and a ceramic mug falls and shatters in many directions, just as my heart did.
Percy raises his fist, and in those few seconds, my oxygen is taken from me. I feel complete terror. That feeling you get when you think you hear someone inside your house, or when you're paired up with you're worst enemy. Absolute fear in the present situation. He sees the hurt in my eyes, the shriek I let go, and drops his fist. He still tells me too leave, but I couldn't have heard a better suggestion.

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