Part #27

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This is so long now :,) but I love writing it, you guys r great for reading this far. This is a fucking book at this point istg. aND IT'S ONLY GONNA GET LONGER. TRUST ME, I HAVE THEIR HONEYMOON PLANNED.

George decided that he didn't need sleep. He couldn't manage to shut his eyes anyway, so he went back out in the roof.

After gently releasing himself from Dream's sleepy grasp, George climbed back out the window. He had snuck out of bed so many times he knew exactly how to avoid waking Dream.

Some would say it was suspicious the number of times he did it, but his reasonings were innocent.

George liked to think. He'd think until he had no more things to think about. Then he'd make things up in his mind. Those were the best thoughts in his opinion, the ones he didn't know he could have.

That's the state of mind he created his book concept in. And that's what state of mind he was in on this night.

George's mind was his safe place. He always did like it there. Especially in his first life.

Wars raged around him and he just drifted away. Alliances were formed but he stayed neutral as king, his mind his only ally... and enemy.

Dreams were a different story. He found it ironic that he hated dreaming with all his soul but was engaged to a man name Dream.

George had vivid dreams that left him shaken and a bit afraid. He did mundane tasks that he did every day and spoke with people he normally spoke with.

It got to the point he honestly couldn't tell what was a dream and what was really happening. He would sometimes bring up memories to Dream, only to learn that they never even happened.

George was beginning to wonder if what was happening right now was a dream. Perhaps it was.

George distracted himself from that though by looking up at the stars. He saw Aries and Pisces near each other. He looked for Dream's zodiac sign, Taurus. It was just under Aries.

He then searched for his, Aquarius. He found it close to Pisces. He looked a little closer and found Jupiter inside of Aquarius.

He thought it was interesting how all the zodiac signs were so close to each other that night.

George heard a voice.

"I heard you were talking about me," said an all too familiar voice.

George turned to see DreamXD standing at the top of the roof.

"All good things," George said, returning his gaze to the sky.
"So, you truly have replaced me with someone that bears my own name."
"No, I upgraded."

XD looked angered but remained composed.

"We could have been strong together."
"I'm stronger with him than I ever was with you."
"I don't understand what I did wrong. I gave you everything you asked for!"
"But did you give me unconditional love?"

XD stayed silent.

"Listen, XD," George started, "I don't hate you, but what we had was toxic. It was bad for both of us. I've moved on. I'm sorry. We can still be friends if you'd like."
"No, George. This is a flame that cannot be rekindled. Our friendship died, as did our love. It is over."

XD waved and dissolved into a puddle of light that slid from the roof onto the ground below.

George caught some in his hand. He studied it for a moment. XD's face appeared in the reflection.

"You're coming with me," the reflect whispered.

George felt someone shove him off the roof and he fell to the ground below, dying as soon as he made contact with the concrete.

For some reason, even as the ground grew closer, George wasn't afraid. He knew he would live.

George woke up as he felt his eyes grow heavy and he began to lose consciousness.

Just a dream. That was all. It wasn't real. He was still alive.

George looked around Dream's old bedroom. Dream himself was standing at the foot of the bed rummaging through his bag.

He looked up at George and smiled.

"Good morning, babe," he said before returning his attention to the bag.
"Good morning."

George took in every detail of Dream's face. He was happy that what he was seeing was truly real. At least he thought it was.

Then again, for all he knew, last night could have been real too.

George looked over at Dream.

"Hit me," he told Dream.
"Hit me."
"No, what? What are you doing?"
"I'm telling you to hit me."
"I can't tell if this is a dream or not, hit me."
"It's real, no hitting needed."
"I don't know that, you might be dream Dream and this entire conversation could have never even happened."
"I'm not going to hit you."

Dream walked over and sat on the bed near George.

"Are you feeling ok?"
"Yes, just hit me."

Both were laughing now. The situation was stupid but also serious at the same time.

"Dream, literally, just do it."
"You're using reverse psychology or something."
"I'm not," George said between laughs.
"I what if I just pinch you."
"One time I had a dream about a bunch of crabs and I could feel their little pinches. Your puny fingers aren't going to help."
"Fine! I'll hit you! Jesus."

Dream "punched" George. By punch, I mean he very lightly taped him with his fist.

"Yeah, this is real life. Dream Dream would have hit me much harder."
"Dream Dream sounds like an ass."
"No, he just listens to me."
"I hate that my mom can probably hear this entire conversation."

"I can!" Dream's mother yelled from downstairs.

The two burst out into laughter before going downstairs to get ready for the day.

Might start a DNF one-shot book if you guys would read it, but ofc that means updates on here will be even slower, but it's something that I've been considering for a while so tell me if you'd actually read that?

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