Part #18

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The George section of the DSMP wiki is on crack. hE SEWED HIS EAR TO HIS LEG?? FOR NO REASON?? JUST CUS'?
Anyways, his parents are canonically named "Lore Man" and "lore Woman" which made this chapter really awkward to write, so I renamed them "Gerald" and "Georgina" as a joke and then just went with it.

His curiosity consumed him, and Dream opened up a copy of the book George had told him to get when he was still a ghost.

Dream had returned the original to the library, but soon bought his own copy just in case.

He flipped to page 404 and turned a few pages before reaching the section titled, "Family, Childhood, and Friendships".

The pages read: "Not much is known of the Lore family, though it is known that George's father, Gerald, passed away in an accident involving poison arrows, and his mother was considered neglectful."

Dream felt his heart tighten. He felt like George had already been through enough in life, like the wars and forced leadership, but now he was certain George's life had been unfair.

He continued reading.

"George moved out as soon as he could. He fled to a small area where he helped others to build a community house and farm. He had no clue what horrors were to come."

Dream frowned at how vague the words were, but continued nonetheless.

"Despite George's flee from his mother, he still held her close to his heart. He wore a small mushroom pin on his clothing in her honor. In the honor of the days she would go out into the garden and plant mushrooms and wheat with him.

When George loved someone, he carried them in his heart forever. Despite the emotional walls he had built up to block the pain he had endured and was still shrouded with, George was a rather caring man. He took care of his friends and fought for and with them."

"Emotional walls?" Dream thought, "He's always been pretty open with me."

"However, that care may have been key to his downfall. The god Dream XD had misled George into believing that Technoblade, the famous assassin, was on their side. George allowed Technoblade into his home and was murdered almost immediately after the assassin had entered."

Dream's hands tightened on the book as he continued to read.

"Before his death, George had started to suspect DreamXD and Technoblade, so as a precaution, he wrote a will. George signed off his power onto the (soon to be) king, Eret (See page 500). He also gave a large amount of his money to his friend, Sapnap, to help pay for his marriage. A small amount was given to his ex-husband, Ninja, with a passive-aggressive note that said "To pay for all the time we wasted together". The rest was left for Eret and the kingdom. Although he specifically noted that he would like if some money was given to his dear friend, Nihachu (aka Niki), for her bakery, and Karl Jacobs, Sapnap's fiance, for his kingdom, Kinoko Kingdom (See page 700).

Dream placed down the book and walked back into the bedroom. George was now laying at the end of the bed, a book lay discarded at his side.

"Hey," Dream said softly, laying down next to George.
"Awfully cuddly this morning, huh, Dream."

Dream smiled and kissed George's forehead. "It's hard to keep away from someone as cute as you," he teased.
"Oh, shut up," George said, though his voice carried a certain joking tone.

Dream wrapped his arms around George's torso and pulled him closer. If he couldn't give George a better life in the past, he'd do it in the present.

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