Part #28

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Chapters are gonna be really slow from here on but I'm not done yet.
Also, when and IF I even finish this, I might start posting fan art or little explanation/related pics in this book :)

George made himself a cup of coffee and sat next to Dream on the couch. Dream put one arm around George's shoulder and his other across his waist. George leaned into the embrace.

Dream's mother smiled to herself. The two looked so happy together it was hard not to.

George still looked a little tired, Dream suspected that he just had a hard time falling asleep that night.

"How did you two meet?" Dream's mother asked. She already knew a brief explanation of the story but not the whole thing.

Then again, what she knew wasn't entirely true.

George tapped Dream's arm and, just like he promised, Dream told the story for him.

"Well, George was close with Grandma before she passed away, so whenever I moved in next door he came over and introduced himself," Dream explained, "I invited him inside and we talked for a while. I thought he was nice so I asked him if he'd like to go out with me sometime."
"That's so sweet," Dream's mother smiled.

"I should probably finish up packing," George said. He kissed Dream on the cheek, washed his mug out in the sink, and went back upstairs.

Dream's mother took a sip from her cup. "I can't tell if he likes me or if he's afraid of me," she said.
"He's terrified of you."
"I don't see why though?"
"He's a little timid around most people. When he warms up to you he'll get used to you."
"But what if he never does?"
"He got used to me pretty fast."
"That's different, you're the same age as him."
"He's older actually."
"Oh, well he looks younger than you."
"I'm telling him you said that."
"It's a compliment! He's cute!"
"Oh hush."

Dream smiled at the woman who had single-handedly raised him.

"He's very quiet," Dream's mother acknowledged, "it's strange how different yet similar you two are."
"Tell me about. At first he barely even spoke to me. He just nodded and smiled."
"I wonder why that is?" Dream's mother said curiously.
"I think it has to do a lot with how he was raised. His parents weren't the best. Kind of a sit still, look pretty kind of thing they had going on."
"Poor thing. Maybe that's why he's a little timider around me."
"That's reasonable. Although, I think he sees a lot of Grandma in you. He was able to pretty much guess exactly how you looked on his own."
"He seems like a very talented person."
"He is, he's scarily smart. And creepily good at making observations. I like it when he explains things to me though, he does it in a funny yet still smart way. I don't know how to explain it but I could listen to him talk for hours."

Dream's mother smiled and they talked a little longer. Dream rambled about how in love he was with George and everything else until George came back down the stairs and joined Dream on the couch again.

"Well Mom, I hate to say it but I think we have to hit the road now," Dream said.

The two went upstairs and got their bags before making their way to the door. They all said their goodbyes and got in the car.

"Goodbye dear, it was a pleasure meeting you George. Visit again sometime soon," Dream's mother said as they walked out the door.

"So," Dream said once they got in the car, "what did you think of my mother?"
"She's nice but scary."
"I thought you'd say that."

Sorry for such a short chapter, I'm still getting used to managing three stories at once and updates are gonna be REALLY slow for a while.

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