Teyana x kehlani

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Kehlani pulled her hoodie from over her head as she walked into the Fort Worth high school building into a sea of students, the smell of weed and funk hitting her nose within seconds. Kehlani shook her head 'disgraceful animals' she thought to herself. Pulling her backpack strap up on her shoulder, Kehlani walked towards then inside the cafeteria to sit at the table in the back. It was still breakfast time so class hadn't started yet. Kehlani Hated coming to school early but waking up on time to watch her long lasting crush teyana eat was worth it.

She took off her backpack, setting it in her lap and stared at the entrance waiting for her feature lover to walk through the door. Approximately three minutes passed and Teyana and her crew walked into the cafeteria and sat at their table laughing at something on their phones. Kehlani smiled at her feature lover but it instantly fell when she noticed an unfamiliar girl on her arm. The unknown woman was light skinned with black hair slicked back into a ponytail, she sat down in teyanas lap then wrapped her arms around her neck laying her head on her chest, kehlani looked back at teyana and noticed she looked slightly annoyed, this made kehlani a little happy it let her know that the random girl was just another groupie throwing herself at her soon to be lover.

Kehlani unzipped her backpack and pulled out a picture of teyana she took outside of her window while she was changing, "she's so perfect" kehlani said rubbing her thumb against the picture.

"Who's perfect?" A man's voice coming from behind Kehlani said, reaching out their hand to grab the photo. Kehlani quickly flipped the picture and stuffed it into her pants pockets, "nobody"  she said standing up grabbing her bag to leave. "No let me see the picture." The boy said grabbing onto kehlani's pants. "Let go of me!'' Kehlani yelled out, catching the attention of everyone in the cafeteria.

"Leave her alone iman!"

A voice Kehlani recognized immediately from across the cafeteria said, She looked up and saw Teyana walking towards them, also seeing everyone pulling their phones out to record The situation that was brewing. "Why? I'm Just playing with the lil weirdo." The boy, known as Iman,said tousling my hair.

"She doesn't want you touching her, leave her alone."

"Ay why you sticking up for this weirdo, didn't she ruin your birthday party last year when spazzed out in front of everybody."

"Iman don't start-"

"Nah actually I got something I think everybody should see." Iman says pulling out his phone from his back pocket. Kehlani looked around gripping her bag closer to her chest she heard a ding come from her phone in her pocket, she pulled it out and saw that she'd been airdropped a photo-a very familiar photo- kehlani's jaw dropped at what she saw.

"September 27, 2021 teyana sat next to me today, she asked me for a pencil and some of my crackers, I ended up giving her all of them."

Everyone busted out laughing except for kehlani and teyana.

Embarrassed, Kehlani threw her hoodie over her head and ran out of the cafeteria through the front door and into the parking lot, she ran towards her car and got in, quickly starting it up and driving off.

Teyana shook her head and walked back to her table, her friends and the random light skinned girl were reading out the rest of words from the picture. "I had a dream about teyana last night, she'd finally asked me to be hers.-"

"Can you guys not read that out loud please." Said Teyana picking up her bag. "I'm sorry tey but this shit is hilarious, now I thought the girl was weird but I didn't know she was like this." Teyana's friend Sky said

"Yeah Teyana don't you think it's weird, the girls obsessed with you." Megan said.

"Yes the shit is weird but this isn't funny, the girl is probably mentally challenged."

"When you say mentaly challenged you mean she's retarted and a sociopath. I don't know why you're still nice to that thing after she went berserk at your party now THAT was embarrassing to you and us." Said Sky.

"Again I was trying to be nice, okay. She doesn't have any friends-"

"She doesn't have any friends for a reason, stop talking to her, don't acknowledge her cuz soon I bet your ass you're gonna go missing and possibly end up dead, we'll all know it was crazy Kehlani." Sky said.

"And we won't cry at your funeral cuz we told you so, leave that girl alone." Said Megan.

The bell rang and they all stood up grabbing their stuff off the table."come on class about to start."

Everyone walked out of the cafeteria except Teyana and the light skinned girl. "If you need to get your mind off of all of this, I'm always available to help." The girl said caressing Teyana's face.


"Yes papi?"

"Go to class."

The girl known as karrueche frowned and walked away leaving Teyana alone with her thoughts. 'they're probably right,maybe I am too nice to her. But I feel for the poor girl.' She thought to herself.

Shaking her head she turned and walked out of the cafeteria on her way to class.

Kehlani pulled into an abandoned store parking lot she called her safe place. She wiped away her tears then gripped the steering wheel so tight her knuckles turned white. "You idiot- YOU FUCKING IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT!" Kehlani yelled out, punching the steering wheel. She let out a blood curdling scream grabbing and pulling her hair and stomping on the floor of her car. "YOURE SO STUPID"

Kehlani let go of her hair now punching and banging her head against the window. "YOU LEFT THE FUCKING BOOK OPEN,SO STUPID." Kehlani yelled out. She stopped banging her head on the window when she felt a warm liquid run down her face. She looked up and saw blood on the window, she wiped some of it off with her fingers and stared at it.

"I'm gonna kill them." Kehlani said, nodding her head. "Iman and any bitch that tries to embarrass me and try to get in the way of me-"

Kehlani pulled out the photo of Teyana from her pocket and kissed it "and my feature."

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