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Dedicated to Eden and Blake. Congratulations!❤


This rant is a little different. It's about something I actually like! Gasp! Weddings make me all fuzzy and happy inside. Kind of like when I eat chocolate covered strawberries, a.k.a my favorite food, EVER! Weddings are for two people who REALLY love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together. It's a big decision and a brave one at that. It's something that shouldn't be just for the fun of it, or because you felt you HAD to. It's a sacred bond between two people who truly love each other and can't live without the other. Now I may sounds all mushy mushy but right now, I don't even care! Two of my bestest friends are getting married today. I'm so happy for them ^_^ They've been through SO much and guess who was the one stuck in the middle through everything :P lol that's right. Me! I'm glad they love me enough to have me with them every step of the way. I'm SUPER glad that they picked ME to be the Maid of Honor lol. But how loved could a person feel if they were in my position? Let me answer that for you... VERY!!! I love you guys so super dooper much and I'm so happy for you. Congrats guys. ❤


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