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Ok to be honest, I hate birds. They're annoying, hungry, mean creatures. -_- Don't get me wrong, I do KIND of like parrots, but only because they talk. People who feed birds. You stupid, daring people... You're going to get aids from the pests! Watch, you'll be sitting there, holding bread up to them when CHOMP! Your whole hands bitten off and you're rushed into the emergency room only to be told the bird gave you aids, as well as a flesh eating virus and you only have 2 days to live. All because you were dumb and decided to feed those damn birds. So for the people who actually read this little rant of mine, stay away from birds or you'll die.


--Handy Life Hack Of The Day: Avoiding cleaning? Try it for just four minutes—that's all it takes to become motivated enough to finish the task!

--Word Of The Day: Jumentous - Smelling like horse urine... 0_0

Duck SauceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora