The Use Of The Word "Nigga" or "Nigger"

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-The Use Of The Word "Nigga" or "Nigger"-

Ok so it seems to me that a lot of people have a problem with those words. I understand but at the same time, I don't. Yes, some people say it to be demeaning, but it's not always said in that sense. A lot of people say it just to say it. But there are those people who take it too far. Everyone knows a person like that. I, myself being half black, don't have a problem with people saying it. For others though, they make a huge deal of it. And those people need to just calm their tits because in all honesty, it's not that big of a deal. I know some black people who get mad when white people say nigger, but it's ok for a black person to say it. How's that racially equal? How long were blacks enslaved? They fought for equality and now you want to act like your better because you can say a certain word and other people of another race can't. You're not any better than them, so don't act like it. So how about we all just chew on some "Chill The Fuck Out" gummy bears and be rash. Not too funny.. more serious.. but I thought it was something to be adressed.


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