||16|| Self Confessions

Start from the beginning

I thought I left his footsteps behind when he died. Turns out I've been following them all along.

"Oakley," August's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. His hand sat on my shoulder. I looked up at him and cleared my throat.

"We're gonna go down, Judy." He said turning me around. His hand on the small of my back. "You alright? Do you need water? To sit?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I said wiping my eyes before tears could drop from them. "I'm...fine."

I heard August sigh as he bent over to the floor. He pulled up a corner of a carpet and under was a latchet. He wrapped his fingers around it and a door came open, revealing a marble circular staircase.

He gestured me to go down and I did. Once we got to the bottom there was another door.

August pressed a button and a voice came through, "Passcode." The voice was deep with a heavy German accent.

"It's Capo."

"That isn't the passcode."

"Slasher, open the damn door," August demanded.

"Not without the passcode."

"We don't have a passcode, you fuck, it's for civilians."

"Slasher!" Another voice shouted through the intercom, "Let Capo in you fucking idiot before I shoot you myself." 

"It was a joke!" Slasher exclaimed. The door snapped open and on the other end was Slasher. I recognized him from the party, he's the one that slit open the Dynemo shooter's neck.

He was a large man, tattoos covering his neck and arms. And looked nearly fourth years old, considering the gray hair starting to prop out from his beard.

"No one knows how to laugh nowadays. It's all serious and straight face—" he paused as he saw me, "Oh great, it's this brat." He said.

My jaw dropped, "Excuse me? Aren't you the creep that had his hands on Olivia?"

August huffed and walked through the door.

"That blond dying chick? She was laying on top of me, what did you want me to do? Keep my hands up in the air?"

I shrugged, "Why not, you look like a strong man," and he scoffed moving to the side as I stepped in.

I adverted my attention to the place, it looked like the inside of a expensive house, the high ceiling was curved in a cylinder shape with circular lights illuminating the place. Leather brown couches were in one corner, in another corner was a wall with guns hoisted on them. Other people I didn't recognize were walking around in the spacious room, greeting August.

"What? Now you're all shy?" Slasher said behind me.

I snorted, "No. Just observing."

I kept my eye on August as a woman dressed in black gear approached him. Her hair was a dark brown, nearly black, pulled into a high ponytail. She was pretty. Beautiful even. She smiled at him, and he brought her in for a hug, his hand sliding across the small of her back.

"Oh, it isn't shyness," Slasher said. "It's jealousy."

I glared to him, "Will you shut up." I hissed and he laughed.

Why would I be jealous? August can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants.

I watched as his hand lingered on her waist as they spoke and a spike of pain rattled through my body from my hand. I look down to see crescent cuts filling with blood in my right palm from my nails, and quickly whipped it on my jeans.

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