The Zodiac Wars

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At last, their preparation is done. The dragons, b-masters, and zodiacs, went off with their b-daman. They actually quite nervous and anxious, but they worried broke when a certain someone jumped off from a building. A black hair girl with white streaks.

Miya: "Nyaaa! I'm here to help you guys!"

Basara: "You again?!"*sighed*

Basara already gave up on her wild behavior. Meanwhile the others was pleased because they got another helping hand. Ehm, even though she's a bit annoying sometimes.

Trice who got the enemy's base location, led them to the edge of the District 8. They look up to a very big abandoned building. Haku said that it was the old auction house by the Yagisaki family. Gulped, and they set their foot in front of the building.

Suddenly, three familiar silhouettes appeared once more. Sophie, the snake zodiac. Shou, the rat zodiac, and Rion the pig zodiac. Those three also brought the rat bitzs with them. The number is large as well.

Hana: "How laughable!"

Jenta: "What are we going to do now?"

Haku: "Then, it's time for us the light zodiac to face of our opponent"

Novu: "Oh my! Looks like the legend repeat itself"

Haku: "I will face Shou, Trice will fight Sophie, and Cecily fight Rion! Kureno elimated the rat bitz for us"

Trice, Cecily & Kureno: "Yes!!!"

Basara: "I'm in, because i want revenge to this robots"

Miya: "Hunting mice is my specialty!!!"

Bakuga: "Me and Jenta will support them by eliminating the rat bitzs as well"

Jenta: "You guys go ahead to save him!"

The west and the north b-master stand up in front of them. Their b-daman activate their emblem charge.

"Jenta] Emblem Charge!"

"Tankshell] Infinate dark inferno!"

"Jenta] Blast through time eternal, Dashing=Tankshell!"

"Bakuga] Emblem Charge!"

"Raydra] Shining giga slash!"

"Bakuga] Shattered the entire galaxy, go Kreis=Raydra!"

The purple turtle and the white tiger b-animals destroyed the rat bitzs in one straight blow. Trice handed the device to Hana. So, Kamon, Samuru, Novu, Basara, and Hana run towards the front gate. Hana who tried to see the hologram map is struggling. The map can't be activated!

Hana: "Seriously?! Don't tell me this building provide some network breaker devices?"

Samuru: "To be able cutting Trice's tech, that's very impressive right?"

They all know how high-tech the devices that created by Trice. He is a very genius technician. Hana sighed. Now, they don't know how to get to the base. After a short discussion, they decided to disperse. 

Kamon: "Let's give it our best shot!"

All: "Yeah"

They nodded in unison and went off in their own way. But, their goal is one. Find Riki as soon as possible.

Hana POV...

I ran to a big door. This is the only thing i know. Back then, our family went to this auction house just once. I opened the door and i saw a big auditorium with a stage in front of the audience seats. As i walked closer to the stage, a big sound of trumpet startled me. 

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