A Shocking Reunion

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Today is the grand opening of Saint Grand Prix. Balloons and streamers in every corner of the streets. Many kids are running to the stadium. All people in Shio Island exited for this event. Unfortunately, in that morning at a hotel, a certain someone still snoring under his blanket. The midnight haired boy trying to wake him up. That person none other than the grand b-master, Kamon Day.

Samuru: "Hey, Kamon wake up!"

Kamon: "Five minutes....", and he back to sleep.

Samuru sighed. He can't believed that he shared one room with Kamon. Novu with Basara, Jenta with Bakuga, and Greg on his own. He should had refuse to share room, but it's too late for that. Samuru kept shaking him. Well, it turned out just an useless effort.

Samuru: "How in the world Riki wake you up every morning, really?", while scratching his head.

Ding dong, the door bell rang. Samuru walked and opened the door. It was Jenta and Bakuga.

Jenta: "Hurry, man! The others are waiting at the lobby"

Samuru: "If you want us to hurry, wake him up!", he pointed his index to the sleeping Kamon.

Bakuga & Jenta: "Oooh, it makes sense now"

The two of them entered the room. They tried to wake the sleeping boy. Sadly, luck is not on their side. It has been five minutes, they worried that the others waiting for them too long. Suddenly an idea came up on Jenta's mind. Bakuga and Samuru with their b-daman had a very bad feeling about it. He walked to the bathroom and out with a bucket full of water in his hand. Splash, he spilled it on Kamon. He startled and wake up.

Kamon: "Hey, what gives?!"

Samuru & Bakuga: "At least it works" *sweatdrop*

Jenta: "You sure are WET in bed, get it?"

Others: "....."

Garuburn: "Hahahaha"

Samuru: "Ehm, since you woke up, you better changed your clothes. We will be waiting at the lobby"

Kamon: "Yes....", while squeezing his drenched clothes.

Ten minutes later, Kamon joined them at the lobby. Well, he get scolded by his dad for being late. Then, off they go. They walked through the bustling street. After awhile they arrived in front of a huge stadium. Stalls filled the outside area and the banner with Saint Grand Prix writing made the stadium looked more eye-catching.

Basara: "It sure is big"

Novu: "Yeah, and crowded too"*looking around*

Greg: "We better registered your names so we can...."

Grumble...., Greg stopped his talk and look at his son. Kamon scratched his head. He did fell embarrasses but hunger wins it all.

Greg: "We still have time left, you better get something to eat first"*sighed*

Kamon: "Hehehe, thanks dad! I will be back soon!"*he run off*

Kamon's POV...

Oh man, i'm starving. That Jenta, why he wake me up by splashing me with a bucket of water?! Well, at least the other didn't know the truth how to wake me up. Lucky. I stopped at a hotdog stall and ordered one hotdog. While i'm waiting for it, i heard some conversation that piqued my interest.

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