Second Semi-final

158 10 3

Intense Rivalry

The sky is blue, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping around the stadium, and.....the stage full of murderous aura?

Haku: "Haru is in Toraishin Family custody, so i will protect him!""He's my lil bro"

Samuru: "Hey, i have known him longer than you guys. So, i'll the one who help him""He's my first friend & rival"

Kamon: "Ehm, sorry but is my family who responsible before he disappeared. It's obvious that I'll the one to get to the final!" "He's my friend & fellow b-master"

Zodiac & WBMA: "Just what exactly happening here (_|||)?

A few minutes earlier...

Miya: "Good morning every one nyaa!!! Are you all exited for the second semi-final nyaa?!"

The crowd goes wild and screaming with excitement. The semi-finalist get up to the stage. The battle arena for today is Break Ball. So they will divided into 3 groups with three people. The marbles are grey, blue and red. As Miya explain everything, Kamon was in his deep thought. His dad told everyone about a prophecy of the island.

Kamon: "When the disaster approached, the zodiac beasts will be completed. The twelfth rings will heard, and the dragon reborn once more. Also, mother is still searching about the ancient writings. Oh c'mon Kamon, focus on the battle!!!"

Miya: "Alright, let's see the names on each group shall we! Here it is!!!"

Group 1: Haku Toraishin, Samuru Shigami, Kamon Day

Group 2: Funf, Haru (Riki), Kureno Osuushi.

Group 3: Ain, Zwei, Basara Kurouchi

Miya: "To participants of the first group, please stand by!"

Back to the present...

At the WBMA bench...

Basara: "The cat is doing this on purpose didn't she?"

Novu: "That's impossible, it was made by name shuffling. It just a coincidence i guess"

Bakuga: "But isn't this a new kind of danger?"

All: "Yeah totally"

At the Zodiac bench...

Cecily: "They just agreed to work together yesterday"

Trice: "Who knew things going to be like this hahaha"

Kureno: "Intense (⊙_⊙;) "

Hana: "Go, Bro!"

Haru (Riki): "Wow, they are really serious about this ✪ ω ✪"*the source of the current situation*

All: "Let's just kept quiet about it (¬_¬")"

Miya: "Time to start! B-SHOTS! READY!"

Audience: "AIM!"

Haku, Kamon, Samuru: "FIREBLAST!!!"

Haku is the first one to shot, but he miss and made the break ball spinning. Kamon took the chance with his drive shot. As the result, he got the first red marble. Just as he want to get the second one, Samuru shot his marbles and get his first blue marble.

Samuru: "I won't let you win that easily"

Then, a knife shot sent a grey marble flying. Haku grin to the other two.

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