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A/N: I'm bringing in moments from other seasons like s3

"Honey, she's been asleep for a while. It's worrying, should we wake her?" Barry spoke, filled with paranoia.

"She's sick, she might want to sleep the discomfort away. Don't worry Barry." Kara assured.

"Yeah... I'm just going to check up on her."

"Yeah, I'll come with." Kara said as she followed Barry.

"Oh my god..." Barry breathed out.

"What?" Kara curiously asked, moving forward to get a better view.

"Oh Rao... well that's... something." She spoke in a shocked state, seeing Adelaide vibrating as if she too had speed.

"That's... not her powers." Barry said

"Wake her up." Kara commanded in worry.

Barry walked towards her, looking at his hands before he vibrated and touched her arm, stopping her. He then proceeded to shake her awake.

"Barry..." Kara said.

"Oh God..." Barry said, watching as a red liquid oozed from her nose.

"Adelaide, wake up!" Barry said, shaking her awake.

"Dad? Mom? What... what's happening?" Adelaide asked.

Her finger slowly went to the blood, feeling something there. She looked at her hand and saw the blood.

"What's... what's happening..."

"I don't know but we should find out." Kara said, speeding to grab a tissue which she used to try and clean Adelaide's bloody nose as best as possible, leaving it there as she lifted her into her arms.

"DEO, now." Kara simply said, flying off with Barry speeding behind her.

"Alex?" Kara spoke to the preoccupied Alex.

"Hang on Supergirl." Alex said.

"Oh my god, what's wrong with Adie? She's bleeding!" Annalise noticed.

"What?" Alex said, it catching her attention as she spun around.

"Don't worry Anna, she's fine. Go find your mother and tell her to come here." Barry said.

"What's wrong with her?" Alex asked.

"We don't know!" Barry said.

"Get her to L-Corp. Lena's smart." Alex said.

"Here, give me Adie. I'll meet you there, you fly Alex." Barry said, Kara handing him the child as he sped off.

"Barry, What a lovely surprise. And Kara." Lena said, not moving her attention from the computer she was working on.

"Lena... we need your help." Barry said.

"With?" Lena asked, looking at him.

"Oh..." was all she could say.

"Bring her to my lab, quickly." Lena commanded.

"Father." Lizzie spoke.


"You're out of jail."

"Yes. My sentence wasn't long as I was only in for insanity. Shocking that my own blood is the reason I was in there."

"No, you don't get to do this. You don't get to pin the blame on me! You tried to kill me! And don't bother saying you wouldn't have done it because we both know very well that you fucking would have. Why wouldn't you? You killed your son and he was only a child." Lizzie angrily spat. Her father took a breath in.

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