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"Hey, Alex. Have you seen Kara?" Barry asked, approaching her in the DEO.

"Hey to you too." Lizzie mumbled.

"Sorry, hi Lizzie." Barry said.

"No, I haven't seen Kara. I assumed she was hanging with you." Alex said.

"Me? No. She hasn't been returning my calls since we got back from Earth 1. She was acting weird as well so I'd just assumed I'd done something wrong and she wanted some space."

"That's so strange. Do you think she showed to work?"

"I don't know."

"Flash, there's an emergency down town!" Winn informed.

"I'm on it. I'll have to do this alone because Supergirl's whereabouts are unknown. Alex, you check her apartment. I'm going to handle this. If she isn't there then check her work place." Barry instructed.

"I'll check her work place. Speed this up." Lizzie said, getting out of her seat.

"I guess I'm watching the kids." Madison said.

"Well, if you need help then I can help you after we help Barry with this!" Winn volunteered.

"Yeah, that'd be a help."

"I'll take Adelaide after I've completed this task, it's okay." Barry said, before speeding out of the DEO, dressed head to toe in his signature red suit.

A stinging pain was left in Kara's head as she slowly came to, clutching her head in pain.

"Where am I?" She mumbled, noticing she lay in a bed.

"Kara!" A voice said, Kara turning to see who it was.

"Mom?" Kara whispered, tears spotting her eyes at the sight.

"I was waiting for you to wake up." Astra said, a huge smile on her face as she walked towards Kara.

"How are you alive?"

"What do you mean?"

"You died. Where am I?"

"Krypton, silly. And I never died, are you okay?"

"No, this isn't possible. I'm meant to be on earth. My friends... my family"

"Your family is here. And so are all your friends. You must have hit your head pretty hard."

"No! You sent me to earth because Krypton exploded! You were here, on Krypton."

"Krypton is very much alive, as you can see. Did you have a weird nightmare."

"I have to get out of here." Kara mumbled, moving the bed covers off of her as she struggled to get up.

"Kara? You're awake. You shouldn't rush, you need rest." A voice said. Kara looked towards the door, seeing a familiar mess of brown hair, those soft emerald eyes.

"Barry?" She breathed out.

Alex stood outside of Kara's apartment, knocking on the door hoping for a response, any response.

"Kara?" She called out, receiving no response as she knocked another time.

She sighed, bending down and moving the mat with the spare key under it. She unlocked Kara's door, calling out her name once again.

"Where the hell are you Kara?" She mumbled to herself.

Looking around, her gaze landed on the girl laying on the floor.

"Kara, oh my god!" Alex said, running towards her.

"What the hell?" She muttered, seeing the plant resting above Kara.

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