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The Nazi Waverider flew in the sky, shooting blasts threateningly close to civilians.

They ran, screams being heard everywhere as millions of Nazi soldiers marched the streets, guns in hand.

"Let them burn. We'll turn this city into a mausoleum." Overgirl said.

She watched the havoc being wreaked, a grin on her face as she chuckled.

The Nazi soldiers only proceeded to shoot innocent people, pushing them to the floor. Anything to get the heroes' attention.

Upon seeing the heroes approaching, Dark Arrow turned to his soldiers.

"Kill them all." He demanded.

"Yes sir!" They responded, all like a herd of sheep's.

The heroes got into their defence pose, their enemies approaching them, before they began to attack each other.

Sara kicked her leg out, pushing a soldier backwards, before spinning and doing the same to another.

She punched another's face, grabbing his arm and twisting it before pushing him towards the ground.

Lizzie threw a punch at a Nazi's face, causing him to turn and fall towards the ground.

"Fire in the hole!" A Nazi yelled, multiple throwing bombs at an area where more innocents stood.

A child made an attempt to run from them, seeing the explosions. The smoke began to cloud his vision and he felt lost, scared.

He watched as a transparent, blue bubble circled him. A force shield. He looked beside him to see a girl, not too much younger than him, with her eyes closed, hands out.

Annalise. She used her energy to create this force bubble shield to protect him. Slowly, the let it get smaller until it was like a green disc shaped shield in her hand, her fingers moving around in a circle to create it.

"Go! Quick!" She demanded.

"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Madison asked, flying down using blasts of light as she stood beside her daughter, blasting Nazi's with light.

"I thought I told you to stay on the waverider."

"Adie and I got bored."

"Oh Gods, Adie is here too?"

"Excuse me! You can't just go around roasting people!" Snart said to Rory.

"Why not?" Rory asked.

"You ever heard of due process? Rule of Law!"

"No." Rory said, taking his leave.

Sara began to shoot the soldiers, pistol on hand as she kicked them fiercely to avoid wasting her bullets.

She swung her fist across his face so he fell backwards, before turning and moving to the ground, kicking her foot out so the other soldier would fall too. She then swung her leg in the air as it hit another Nazi soldier's face.

Alex collided her fist with a soldier's face, twisting his arm so he too was left in pain.

"Could use a little help here!" Sara yelled.

"I got you covered." Felicity said.

"Guys, Adelaide and Annalise went missing..." Lena spoke.

"They snuck out. Anna is with me." Madison responded.

Cisco and Wells sat in their teams Waverider, pressing buttons so it began to shoot their opposing waverider.

"This is just like Star Riders on Atari, except it's real!" Cisco said, fanboying.

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